so i got my c & c but...

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Jun 28, 2012
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derby, uk
i dont know if i want a second floor iv built it 2 by 4 with a 1 by 2 upstairs but I'm unsure about the ramp like what to use i have no spare grids left so was going to use some wooden planks i had but i dont think there long enough and i dont have the foggyist of how i would attach them to it :(

oh i was so excited and now i dont think its gonna work :0
Many people use a cat scratching board. They attach it by cable-tying it to the grids. I'm sure you would be able to find it online or maybe someone will come along and provide you with a link to it.
Aw don't get downhearted. The downstairs will do for now and I'm sure someone will come along soon to help you out. I've not made a C&C so I don't know I'm afraid.
I used the plastic sofit type stuff that is used for window sills, I put carpet tiles on it with waterproof tape and used cable ties to hold it in place :)
Don't get too downhearted, ramps are quite easy to make once you find the right things :)
My ramp is made from a piece of wood I found in the loft.
I cut a lengthways section (of about 3cm) off of this piece of wood, and nailed it to the side, to make it safer.
I used this material (mine was £1 from Poundland, though) eVWVXtBDyw== to line the ramp.
I drilled three holes in the top of the piece of wood and used cable ties to tie it to the grids of the hayloft. These cable ties also passed through the material shown above, which secured it to the ramp.
and I used a square drain pipe from b&q, cut it into half, drilled holes in the sides and one end, put the two halves together to make a nice wide ramp, carpet tiles glued for grip and cable tied it to the grids up top. Cost me under a fiver

ETA meant guttering - its white plastic and cheap

If you have any spare wood which is all I used and put two holes in the end of it to wire tie it to the grids it is then secure. To make sure they don't go over the sides glue on 2-3" pieces of wood that's all mine was made from, I then covered it in fleece and used one of the thin cheap door mats cut up you get for the ramp where they go up so that they had something to grip to, it seemed to just stick to the fleece like velcro. Ok, its not that brilliant but it does the job, and they bolt up and down it so they seem to love it. Don't give up. I am sure it will be fine.
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