So I Brought Home Two Piggies Today...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
This afternoon I saw a woman advertising "two guineas free" and after seeing someone I have seen accused of getting animals for free then breeding them and selling on... I jumped in and offered a home to them.

So a bit hasty definitely, but I do have the space for another 2 and they are well bonded with each other so if I can't bond them with my others they still have each other for company.
The lady said her cat and dog harrass them, and she isn't caring for them how she should be.

So I met up with her and brought them home as I couldn't bear to see them in the wrong hands :(

I'm absolutely LOSt! I have no problems telling sex of guinea pigs normally, and I KNOW one is a boy but i'm posting some pics to ask advice on the state of their genitals and feet. They both stink :( And have absolutely filthy long nails. And ones genitals in particular have me concerned.

So without slating me for rescuing them (I'm just trying to do a good deed and show some care :soz:)
could anyone offer insight and info on if they look ok, not ok, normal etc so I can take it from there.

Also the one I know is a boy for sure, not sure if I can tell if he's been neutered or not so not sure if anyone else will be able to tell ?

I'm just going to post pics and hope you can help...

Edit to add : Excuse my misuse of the word "to" instead of "two"
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Ouch the poor feet! I would rub Vaseline on them to protect them. I suspect it is from sitting in urine. I cannot help with the private areas but they do look odd. I would get them to a vet for a check up as soon as possible. Well done for rescuing these poor piggies. It is lucky they are with you now and will get love and be healthy.
I've finally gotten the long haired one to sit still enough with me to let me cut his back nails Going to bath him/her in a minute too.

Feel so bad for them :( I just don't understand why people take pets on if they are not going to look after them :(
Gorgeous Guineas have ointment that may help with there feet. its called F M Ointment and i have read about quite a few people who use it and love it. the travel size is very cheap.

those poor babys. hope they feel better soon
Oh the poor babies, sorry I can't offer any help but thank goodness you took them in! Keep us updated on them :)
awww poor things, well getting a full MOT will be useful and worthwhile taking their weights as well. I agree, looks like urine scold, you could also use nappy rash cream (Bepethan or something like that) for the feet and keep their environment as dry as possible so they re-engage their brain they shouldn't be sitting in a damp condition.
I agree with Piggyfan, get them checked out, the photo you've shown, to me looks a little swollen? Worth checking their pooping as well. Not sure if they've had veggies etc, so might be worth gradually introducing them.
Well done, poor things.:D
Poor boys!

Please have them seen by a vet. It looks like one of the penises could have stuff stuck in it and gone infected. :(

I am sure that they are going to feel a lot better after a nail trim and a bath. Gorgeous guineas ointment is good, but vaseline or bepanthen will do until you get it.
We offered them basil leaves, parsley, cabbage and hay... they sniffed it all like it was alien and went back to the dry pellets. So at least they are eating SOMETHING. Weight wise I'm not too concerned for now as they are a good size and clearly been well fed ,not skinny feeling or light. They are very bright and alert too. Just feel rotten for them!
Some people, I have no idea why they would ever want to get an animal if they can't devote there entire attention to them. You have done the right thing. I admire you for that.

I recommend a Vet check to be sure and keep them separate from your pigs incase of infection or disease for the time being.
A good bath in some fleas/mite shampoo would also be a good idea :)
I had suspected that @Wiebke to an extent as my two boars I check daily as they get hay etc stuck in places! just haven't come across this before so thought I would ask.
I asked when going for them "are they male or female" and she laughed and said she had no idea. I thought surely you WOULD know when you got them originally? :(
Please be careful in introducing veg if they have obviously never had any. leave out cabbage until the guts have adapated to digesting veg. Perhaps a little grass will tempt them?

PS: I have corrected your title.
Thank you :D I hated making such a dumb error.

They never ate any of the veg so I took it back out but good reasoning on the grass, will go get some!

They are together in a cage of their own for now. I'm not introducing them to the others as 1) I need them health checked 2) I need to know if they are neutered or not as I have 2 sows and 3) Duke is still getting used to our female new arrival and is still doing the whole "I'm the boss" routine so I won't disrupt them lol
Well done LB14 for your kind deed. You obviously have a big heart and shouldn't be worried about what other forum members would think, most of us would have done the same thing given the opportunity :clap:.
I definitely agree with a vet visit! Those poor piggies!

You have done the right thing in my opinion! I think any of us would if we had the chance! And space of course!

I love it when people have the heart too take on piggies in need! They have definitely fallen into the best hands now!

Wishing you and the piggies all the best! They will be happy, beautiful piggies! :D
That's so kind of you, I really despair of some people.
Let us know how the vet visit goes and did they eat their grass?
Thank you for the kind words. We have vet at 4pm so I'll update when back x
I had suspected that @Wiebke to an extent as my two boars I check daily as they get hay etc stuck in places! just haven't come across this before so thought I would ask.
I asked when going for them "are they male or female" and she laughed and said she had no idea. I thought surely you WOULD know when you got them originally? :(

You'd be amazed how many people don't! We get a few cases due to privately rehomed piggies from people who have no idea and/or can;t be bothered in our pregnancy section... :(
Thank you :D I hated making such a dumb error.

They never ate any of the veg so I took it back out but good reasoning on the grass, will go get some!

They are together in a cage of their own for now. I'm not introducing them to the others as 1) I need them health checked 2) I need to know if they are neutered or not as I have 2 sows and 3) Duke is still getting used to our female new arrival and is still doing the whole "I'm the boss" routine so I won't disrupt them lol

Please be aware that you need to conduct a full blown quarantine, ideally for 3 weeks.
They're quarantined :)

The vet said they are two boys, and the one with the rather unusual nether regions was perfectly normal looking - just some are bigger than others :lol: . Looks a lot better since it was bathed mind you.
So they weigh 0.83 & 0.87 kg and have healthy teeth and clear chest, lungs etc. No mites and she said just keep doing what i'm doing and well done basically.
They will be living on their own (together) for the foreseeable as neither are neutered.
So glad all went well at the vets.Can't wait to see pictures of their little faces
Opps just seen their faces when you posted pictures but I was too busy looking at their bits:xd:
so pleased they have a clean bill of health.I would have taken them as well.I'm lucky in that i know a becklen rescue volunteer so any i cant keep go to her.
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