So Females Don't Ever Get Affectionate?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
Cause I've read that males are affectionate and females just run away, but I have females, so does ths mean that they will never get affectionate, friendly and contact seeking in a loving manor? Will they never get tame just beause they are females?
My Sophie is very affectionate, always giving me piggy kisses. It really depends on the piggy.
our diva Daisy is affectionate, likes to lick our necks lol. each piggy is unique in their own way, behaviour isn't dictated by what sex they are
I have a pair of sows and a second pair who are a neutered boar and a sow. My pair of girls are so affectionate and clamber all over me, and one in particular gives me piggy kisses. In the other pair the sow is still hugely timid and fearful and the boar is braver and more keen on a cuddle. I think it just depends on the piggies' individual personalities.
Cause I've read that males are affectionate and females just run away, but I have females, so does ths mean that they will never get affectionate, friendly and contact seeking in a loving manor? Will they never get tame just beause they are females?

No, it doesn't mean that at all. Piggies are great individualists. I have softie boars and boars that have never gone beyond tolerating cuddles. It is the same with sows. It is just that a higher percentage of boars are cuddlers than sows. With patience and persistence, you can build up a happy relationship with pretty much all piggies.

PS: Several sows of mine have been kissers, but I have yet to have a kissing boar... ;)
PS: Several sows of mine have been kissers, but I have yet to have a kissing boar... ;)

My Ted has kissed me but only once! I keep holding out hope for more kisses but so far he's remaining tight lipped!
I do get the occasional kiss from Thor, but mostly followed by an exploratory nibble because I smell of veggies! One of my girls, Pixel, is very into the kissies.
I do get the occasional kiss from Thor, but mostly followed by an exploratory nibble because I smell of veggies! One of my girls, Pixel, is very into the kissies.

I suspect my kiss from Ted was an over excited reaction to my hands whiffing of cucumber or pepper....
Not true at all, I have two females who are very affectionate. They give kisses, are really tolerant of the kids, sleep on our laps, etc. Actually, all four pigs I've ever had were female and all four were very sweet and affectionate! It does take time for guinea pigs to get accustomed to handling by people, both male and female. It is their instinct to run, they are prey animals and that kind of reaction is in their makeup. A lot of pigs who are perfectly happy being held still don't like being picked up. One of my pigs (Sundae, the lighter one on the right in my avatar picture) was extremely nervous and skittish when we got her. She is now the world's biggest mooch and very affectionate, so hang in there, it just takes time!
I have only had my piggies for DAYS haha but already Stitch will purrrrr if cuddled and she's content to sit and loves the fuss. Lola is so grumpy its obvious. I am taking them to the vets as I suspect mites and believe this can make them cranky and be in pain if handled :( If we get the all clear I will handle Lola every day. Eventually or should I say hopefully she will see she is onto a good thing and mellow out a bit. I don't want an overgrown hamster I wanna squish that piggy up
I don't know much about females (On account that my Bacon and Eggs are both males), but I can tell you that every guinea pig is different. I have heard of many sows that give kisses and are very affectionate. It really just depends on your piggy's personality!
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