So, Did You Stay Up Until 12am?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2014
Reaction score
Brisbane, OLD Australia
i sure did! Stayed up until 1am! I was very busy playing Wow (World Of Warcraft). :))

So did you stay up until 12am?
Yep and am still up now as Harriet the hamster has only just got up so is playing in her ball. I do need to go to bed shortly though.
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I was in bed at 11.47pm. I heard the fireworks go off then I was out like a light. To be fair I had been up from 4am :(
I know! It got a bit sketchy for a couple of moments where I nearly dropped off but then I got dragged up to dance.
I've woken up this morning bog eyed and feeling like i've had a match with Mike Tyson!
The fireworks were so loud and close. Thankfully my dogs aren't really fussed but I got out of bed and ran into the temporary piggy room to make sure the curtains were shut so that the lights etc wouldn't shock them. They were chilled out too!
Managed to stay awake but flagged a bit earlier on! Just waiting for my daughter to come home from a night out in York... you never stop worrying about them :no::luv:
I woke up in a cold sweat thinking I was back in Northern Ireland and the camp was under mortar attack! :eek:
The pigs and buns didn't seem too bothered when I fed them this morning. In fact they were their normal greedy selves! :))
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