So angry . . .

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
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West Cornwall
. . . about something I heard on the radio.

Apparently schools are going to have public weigh ins for "overweight" kids with their parents there. Then the teachers tell the parents and kids they will die young.

They may well, by hanging themselves.

The hypocrisy of this govt makes me sick. Eg extending the licensing hours - that'll help the nation's obesity and health, and NHS spending, won't it?

"Overweight" children get enough bullying from other kids, now it seems they will get it from teachers too, who are not even health-care professionals and have no right to do this.

I'm sure there are many of us who would have been classed as "over weight" as kids. I was. But I now know that was because of hyperinsulinism, coeliac disease and an auto-immune system that doesn't work properly.
I agree with you there
I have always had some weight on me ever since I was born,but I watched a prog the other week about a boy who was 25 stone,his mum constantly cooked him plateloads of food,something for sinner would be 6 chicken pieces,2 burgers,1 pizza etc etc..stuff like that,most of the time I blame the parents by giving in to the kids and cooking them HUGE amounts instead of getting them down to the docs or wherever and putting them on a diet/exercise and stuff
theres way too many couch potato kids around playing on their playstations and things instead of getting out and having fun ( then again theres so many creepy people about nowdays its unsafe to be out )
when i was younger my grandad always took me took the park everyday to run around and play on the swings/slide or go for long walks with the dog

i certainly think they should get them off their butts and stop cooking them massive meals and letting them laze around doing nothing,but having a weigh in at school is likely to get the kids bullied even more :( >:(
Sometimes it is awful parents, I agree. You only have to look in supermarket trolleys!

But not always. I am always on a diet, I run three times a week,and have done for years and, before that, I was doing other exercise. I just seem unable to shift it adequately (size 14) . There will be other people like me.

I am concerned because already there are too many kids commiting suicide because of bullying - being "overweight" is one of the most common instances.
Its a really tough topic. I am on the too thin side sometimes but my daughter is the opposite. We always eat sensibly, we don't have crisps etc in the house - but do eat them occasionally about 1 packet a week. My daughter & I love veg - fruit & salad etc and will always have our 5+ portions per day. Already she has told me that people have called her fat. She's not scrawny I'll give her that & she's got a proper little tummy on her & she is heavier than she looks. I think that humans - as with animals come in all shapes & sizes. Eve is the spitting image of her grandmother on her fathers side - & she's a typical broad solid Polish woman. I dread to think if this public 'weight 'outing' becomes commonplace what it would do to a child such as my daughter who has a near perfect diet but isn't stick thin.....
all 5 of my kids have never been over weight in fact my daughter was underweight for most of her life, shes just filling out now, and was even checked for Cystic fibrosis so I would not be very happy if my child was weighed at school I'm still seething my daughter was left in the cold as I said no PE after being off all last week with asthma , how stupid can they get, my next letter will read no PE this week or no freezing her little butt off just to keep to your damn rules and regulations I really am peed off with that school, I've also heard they will be taking their fingerprints to open doors soon whats wrong with a key card, I honestly cannot wait for my last 2 to end their school years, its got so bad
That is disgusting >:( >:( How humiliating for them, as if bullying wasn't enough to deal with >:( >:(
My lad, although two, has always been on the 'chunky' side. Although he is a fine weight for his height he looks bigger then he is. Got his mummy's size there! ;D If they dared call my kid 'overweight' i'd, well, i cant write it down because the police prob wouldn't want me then. ;D He is a good eater and i'm sure with the majority of kids its 'puppy fat'. I lost some of my puppy fat aged about 20. Or was i just in denial. Hahaha. Or is it hehehehe. ;D
I don't think it will ever happen like that. However, I think it would be beneficial to some children to be able to receive a health check (in partnership with parents) via school as in certain areas most children haven't seen a doctor since their vaccinations as a toddler. As a teacher myself I don't think any teacher has the right or will ever have the right to say to anyone "your child is so overweight they will die". It is no-ones place to do that but a medical professional.

I think the key is education and doing something about the availability of "crap" to eat in schools. The school I teach at has a healthy menu (NO chips, chocolate, fatty desserts, fried food) yet every day about half of my class bring in a fizzy drink, chocolate, sweets AND a packet of crisps. Packed lunches are full of those munchables and cheese string nonsense, not even a sign of a sandwich.

For me it has EVERYTHING to do with their lifestyle at home and what is promoted by their family aside from educating them at school. All the schools in my area work their backsides off trying to get children to eat healthier and providing them with healthy options to eat at school, meanwhile it is thrown back in their faces by many of the parents on a nightly basis when the plate of turkey twizzlers and chips is chucked in front of their child.
Thats not fair on the poor kids! They are self-consious enough as it they dont need people telling them theyre overwight... and just coz theyre a bit chubby it doesnt mean they will die young for sure... what is they have a dieseas or like an eating disorder or something... :( thats mean! I also agree with the food thing... There should be MORE healthy things on the menu and less fatty stuff...
I think that if there is going to be help for parents and children then that is good but not really this way! By just looking at kids you can tell if they are over weight without weighing them. I should be about 7 1/2 stone but I am 8 12 and I wouldnt say I was over weight. I have 3 kids and I would say that they are just right and they do eat rubbish like any other kids. Some people had a go at Jamie Oliver but he is right in a way, but then some parents go mad when some one gives them advice! I would love to be given advice on my kids pack lunches as it drives me mad on what to give them. If you had a dog that was well over weight then the RSPCA would get involved. Then again I know of afew kids that look white and also look like they could do with a good meal!
This is terrible they need to concentrate on educating healthy eating in schools and advice to parents. A lot of my teenage students eat terribly and just eat chips, chips and more chips with tons of pop ::)

Getting rid of un healthy vending machines would help, dont know if they are in schools but college is full of them ::)

Excercise is also needed - this week we have tired ours out with 4 x 2 hour sessions (normally its one but we have been students for the sports students for their coaching cert - staff included - we all ache but have had such fun! but it so boosts self esteem if done right - pitched at everyones level, with games/alternatives for non sporty or shy students.

Public weigh ins - i use to dread weigh ins in class at school as the overweight kid in class - made my school days a misery.....

I'm interested in training to run sessions to teach teens how to prepare low fat, healthy meals on a cheap budget our college is thinking of setting up after classes.
my daughter is very good at eating healthly but Josh is so fussy with food any sign of anything green he refuses to eat his whole dinner we despair of him the other 4 inc daughter have never had this problem he is the only one and they think its part of his ADHD but I do try to get him to eat proper food, in their packed lunches they have a ham cheese or tuna roll he will only eat ham ugh, the odd pkt crisp but they do not have them any other time, and home made cakes today i baked a hugh batch of choc chip muffins my daughter will eat fruit as well, but Josh is hard work luckly he is not over weight and i make sure he has a childrens vit plus iron every day
People just need to ditch the carb crap; eat protein and fats - like me ;D

However, I guess with a lot of people, money is an issue.

Also, I think health checks for all kids would be a good idea - let's see how many of the "overweight" ones have pre-diabetes, hyperinsulinism, coeliac disease etc.
Bloody ridiculous >:( >:(

My poor Dee would be given a hard time, she's been a chubby one for quite a long time now, she's unfortunately inherited OH's Mum's shape :(
She's going to try harder this year as her Deb ball is coming up in August and she'd like to trim down just a bit, much easier to find dresses then, sad isn't it.

Gee i do hope they seriously don't bring it in. Here in OZ at primary school they've banned a fizzy drinks, high fat foods (chips, pies etc..) and no lollies.
I get sick of everyone being dictated to. Anyway, what they don't realise is fat is not the enemy. ::)

It's carb >:( >:( >:( evil stuff
Lucinda said:
People just need to ditch the carb crap; eat protein and fats - like me ;D

However, I guess with a lot of people, money is an issue.

Also, I think health checks for all kids would be a good idea - let's see how many of the "overweight" ones have pre-diabetes, hyperinsulinism, coeliac disease etc.

money is def an issue,we cant all afford to go out and buy the " healthy stuff " people like jamie oliver tell us to eat ( cant stand that guy anyway)
daftscotslass said:
For me it has EVERYTHING to do with their lifestyle at home and what is promoted by their family aside from educating them at school.

Sometimes it is the fault of the parents but you can't always blame them. My poor mum tried so hard to ensure that I didn't have a weight problem as she had suffered as a child. There was never any sweets or "bad food" in the house and she watched carefully everything I ate. By the age of 10 I knew the calorie content of everything. Despite this though, I was still a very overweight child and I grew into a hugely obese adult. I have known about the right way to do things since the age of 5. It was me that went wrong and chose the wrong way to live not my mum.

As for weighing kids in public, that should never be allowed to happen. Offer the service in private yes, but not in front of other kids, they are so cruel. :(

When I was at primary school, my teacher was going to do a project where we weighed everyone and worked out the average weight. My mum wrote to him and said that she didn't want me to take part and he dropped the whole idea.
Sars1359 said:
money is def an issue,we cant all afford to go out and buy the " healthy stuff " people like jamie oliver tell us to eat ( cant stand that guy anyway)

Yep. I'd love the money to buy the healthy stuff, but it's just not practical. As for Jamie Oliver, a good cook he may be, but he's a s**t dad/husband imo. When does he get so see his wife or kids? I wonder if he even knows what they like to eat! He has lots of money and could stay at home an awful lot more then he does at the mo. If only all of us had that luxury.
Peter Gurney said he would never buy anything from Sains because J . O. slaughtered a lamb live on TV.
Lucinda said:
Peter Gurney said he would never buy anything from Sains because J . O. slaughtered a lamb live on TV.
I didnt know that :o

i know for a fact hes put a lotta people/companies out of work with his ideas,I dont like him at all,I dont think I ever have
Yes that was on his Italy series I did not watch - like Gordon R when he slaughtered a pig on tv in front of his kids >:(

No I'm not keen on many of these celebrity chefs - I think James Martin is very cute but then he goes hunting and shooting >:(

Need a veggie/vegan celebrity chef me thinks!
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