Snugglesafe Heat Pad

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I always have a cover on, you can buy replacement ones.
I always either use the cover or put it inside a thin snuggle sack and fold over the end so its enclosed. I don't think it would be a good idea not to have a cover. Also I wonder if it wouldn't stay hot as long? You could maybe wrap it up in a towel instead? Steph's Piggiee Paradise and Snoozies Cozies make replacement ones in lots of colours and patterns :D I do wish though that they were sold with 2 covers as standard, it would be logical...
Well I used mine with the cover, but made the mistake of putting the cover on after the microwave!:oops: Then I lost the cover outside:oops: So I just put the heat pad under the hay but I was worried they would burn themselves ! I just got a late christmas prezzie ( another heat pad!) so I will use the cover! I would only put the cover on if you put in on when it is in the microwave otherwise the cover isn't very warm!:)
Hope this helps!
Well I used mine with the cover, but made the mistake of putting the cover on after the microwave!:oops: Then I lost the cover outside:oops: So I just put the heat pad under the hay but I was worried they would burn themselves ! I just got a late christmas prezzie ( another heat pad!) so I will use the cover! I would only put the cover on if you put in on when it is in the microwave otherwise the cover isn't very warm!:)
Hope this helps!
I always put my cover on after the pad has been in the microwave :)
Yeah, I used too, but I think if the cover goes in when it is in the micro then it is warm and toasty!
The heat pads do stay warmer by using a cover after they have been heated. Even more so when using a box filled with hay...toastie, oh and not forgetting, piggies love to snuggle up and munch on hay at the same time, just watch out of the huge mountains of poop the next day when lifting out!:crazy:
The heat pads do stay warmer by using a cover after they have been heated. Even more so when using a box filled with hay...toastie, oh and not forgetting, piggies love to snuggle up and munch on hay at the same time, just watch out of the huge mountains of poop the next day when lifting out!:crazy:
Yeah I put a big cardboard box full of hay in sleeping area with heat pad!
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