Snuggle safe


Staff member
Aug 2, 2018
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Just looking into these ready for winter. Is the claim of 10 hours warmth accurate from your experience with them?
I have one for my cat, in the winter I put it in his bed under a thin fleece at around 9pm, it’s still warm in the morning when I get him up around 7am.
Yes Snugglesafes are a brilliant invention! I have 4 for my 5 piggies. I have outside piggies and in the winter I pop all 4 Snugglesafes in the hutch around 4-5pm and in the morning I reheat them around 7-8am. I know that they help my piggies through the worst of the cold along with snuggle sacks, fleecy tunnels, and snuggle beds, loads of hay, 2 thermal hutch covers and a blanket to keep out the frost! The only time I have ever brought them in doors was when the Beast from the East struck earlier this year then I shoehorned them into the Conservatory as this was the coldest room in the house as a big change in temperature is too much of a shock for their bodies.
Love the way the forum answers everything before you even ask! I'd been wondering what to buy for winter as the pet room is quite drafty and the night-time winter temp in december and january can drop to a chilly 10 to 12 degrees, then the vet mentioned pet hot water bottles for Puggle when she was ill but I didnt have one so I just stuck the heating on and gave her a fleecy snuggle sack... just ordered 2 of these now :)
Thanks everyone. I’ll order some!
My two are out in a summer house. Their set up is a hutch which stands in the middle of a 4x4 c&c. They currently have 24/7 access to both areas, with a thick hay area and fleece area downstairs and full hay in the hutch. It’s currently around 13 degrees in the shed overnight (it seems to stay a few degrees warmer in there than outside). My plan is that when it gets very cold, they will be shut in the hutch over night with loads of hay, their fleece beds and then I’ll pull covers over the hutch, so I’m hoping that that along with a snuggle safe under each bed will be enough.