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Snuggle safe heat pads Warning.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
south wales
I just put one in the microwave and could smell burning. I put it in with the cover on as it says you can. I got it out and could smell burning strongly. So I examined it and looked at the pad. I seen it was burned and seemed to be leaking. I thought no please dont be broken. But no the heat pad is ok but the cover had burnt into it. The cover was a homemade one. So the velcro you can buy in the shops does not stand the heat like the covers from the manufacturer I think. So I would say TAKE THE COVERS OFF.
Thanks for the warning Bex, I always heat mine with covers on (including home made ones!)
I never microwave a snugglesafe with the cover on, but thanks for your warning!
I've just ordered my first snugglesafe pad and am waiting for it to arrive (today hopefully!) so this is a well timed warning, thank you!
I never microwave a snugglesafe with the cover on, but thanks for your warning!

I didn't think you were supposed too anyway (as it has velcro on it), as the point of the cover was to protect the plastic pad (like a hot water bottle), but I don't put it in the microwave anyway.

But when I use my snugglesafes I always wrap them in another blanket too, just encase the piggies may burn themselves.
thanks for the warning!
just to say VetUK do some cheap(but good quality i think!) snuggle safe heat pads, so if you want to buy some more i recommend you to have a look on their online shop!
my first snugglesafe pad arrived today and its now in place in the boys bedroom, however, just a quick question, how hot are these supposed to feel, I'd say after heating mine for the prescribed 6 minutes it feels more lukewarm than hot, is this right? Iknow it shouldn't be too hot as they could get burnt but by the time I'd put the cover back on and a layer of hay over the top I'm worried the boys wont feel any of its warmth.
my first snugglesafe pad arrived today and its now in place in the boys bedroom, however, just a quick question, how hot are these supposed to feel, I'd say after heating mine for the prescribed 6 minutes it feels more lukewarm than hot, is this right? Iknow it shouldn't be too hot as they could get burnt but by the time I'd put the cover back on and a layer of hay over the top I'm worried the boys wont feel any of its warmth.

Depends on the wattage of your microwave - overheating can damage the filling of the pad. I used to cut corners and pop two at a time in as I have seven pads but found they didn't feel warm enough so do them individually now, 5 and a half mins is toastie for the piggies in a 900 W microwave and the pads are still warm after 8-10 hours. The manufacturers recommend you keep the covers on again to prevent damaging the pad itself. Instructions are on the back of the cover.
I am thinking of making some home made sheepskin covers, a pocket shape and am trying to think of something to secure the cover as I fear the piggies may burrow and scald themselves mallethead
I always wash the covers at least once a week and check the pad for any damage as a precaution :...
I have an 800 watt microwave & do mine for 7 mins with the cover on, I've never had any problems with it & that makes it warm enough to last overnight. I will say after getting it out of the microwave it takes another minute or two of standing before it reaches it's maximum heat. :)
Thanks for that. my micorwave is 800W too and I only warmed the heatpad for 6 mins as thats what the instructions said. I left it to stand for a minute too, and it was warm, but not what I was expecting.

will try 7 mins when I warm it in the morning.

Thanks for that. my micorwave is 800W too and I only warmed the heatpad for 6 mins as thats what the instructions said. I left it to stand for a minute too, and it was warm, but not what I was expecting.

will try 7 mins when I warm it in the morning.


No problem, mine hasn't exploded on me yet lol! :))
oh did you microwave it with the cover on, I didnt think you could, so I never have, never will now either! lol!

thx for the warning :)
oh did you microwave it with the cover on, I didnt think you could, so I never have, never will now either! lol!

thx for the warning :)

You can heat it with the cover on, as long as it's the cover that came with it when you bought it, not a home made one. :)
I've been heating the snugglesafe without its cover on for 7 mins and it seems to last much longer. This morning (9 hours after it was put in the hutch) it still felt a little bit warm...certainly not stone cold!

My boys are loving it now, they squeak and dive bomb it when I put it back in the hutch...
snuggle safe warning

Hello, everyone,

I am a moderator on Handicapped Pets. A couple of years ago, I had a near tragedy with the Snuggle Safe which I truly loved and used for several months. I reported the incident,with pictures, to the manufacturer as well as consumer groups and I continue to inform anyone I can as the manufacturer has never responded. Here is the link to our thread. We diligently add any other cases and information we find.


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