Snuggle sacks

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New Born Pup
Oct 1, 2013
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I have heard that snuggle sacks can be a good way to handle/ catch skittish guineas. What would be the best way to use one? Should I leave it in their cage all the time and pick it up when they are in there and I want to handle them? Or just bring it into the cage at the times I want to lift them out? Thank you :)
Snuggle sacks have been brilliant for me as one of my guineas was a jumper and whenever I went to put him back in his cage he would launch out of my hands and I was worried he would hurt himself. For me I wanted to get a balance as I wanted to get my boys used to being handled but not make them uncomfortable or risk injury. I therefore used to pick them up from the cage for lap time but when moving them back to their cage I would put the sack on my lap for them to go in it. When I was moving them from the inside or outdoor run I would put the sack/s in the run and remove the hides so they would run in to the sack. They very quickly learnt that the sack was for moving them and will now just go into them.
So basically, I use them mixed as I wanted to get them used to being handled but balanced this with them being safe and comfortable when being carried around.
As they are now so used to the sacks they can go into them (then within a carrier) when going into boarding, and the sascks stay in their temporary lodgings so they have something familiar with them.
Thank you. I ended up leaving the sacks in their cage for a couple of days for them to get used to, then picked them up when they were inside it. Which was successful the first day. Now they won't go inside it if I'm about! I am being outwitted by guinea pigs :( I want to be able to handle them well, but I don't want to keep stressing them out trying to get hold of them :-S
How long have you had your piggies, ElvisLives? My baby boars have got loads more tame and easier to pick up just from being in my house for the last 2 weeks. They started out running away from me when I went near them but as of today they are just sitting still when I go to pick them up (or go to the cage to put more veggies in etc)
Would it help if you put the sack in the cage when you wanted to get them out and then remove the hiding places. They would then go into the sack. Mine now know that regardless of what hiding places there are....if the sack comes out they seem to know to go into it. I must the post above....mine live indoors so they have got used to us, but it felt like we 'trained' them to use the sacks gradually and they now seem clear they are for transporting purposes!
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