Snow storm


Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 20, 2021
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Hi! there might be a snow storm in a couple of days. Is their anything i can prepare or order just in case the power goes out so the guinea pigs don't get cold?
Ways to keep them warm without electricity -

Lots of soft hay stuffed into hides so they can snuggle in
Fill part pf the cage with hay
Fleecy hides
Blankets over (part of) the cage to prevent draughts from getting in

Make sure you have plenty of hay supply but veg also so you don’t need to worry you’re going to run out/cant get out
You've been given excellent advice from Piggies & Buns above. I'll just add a few things as I live in the same part of the US as you so I've definitely had my fair share of nor'easters and cold snaps. If you have neighbors that you can trust and they have a heat source that doesn't require electricity then it may be an option for you and your piggies to go there temporarily. If you have a vehicle make sure the gas tank is full (prior to the storm) and you and your piggies can always sit in that to warm up, if needed. Prep carriers with hay, fleece, etc. so that you can easily move your piggies to a warm area and don't need to rush about in the cold should an emergency arise. I know it's been very cold here recently. It was only 7° F when I got to work this morning.
Ways to keep them warm without electricity -

Lots of soft hay stuffed into hides so they can snuggle in
Fill part pf the cage with hay
Fleecy hides
Blankets over (part of) the cage to prevent draughts from getting in

Make sure you have plenty of hay supply but veg also so you don’t need to worry you’re going to run out/cant get out
Ok, thank you so much! ill make sure to do all of that :)
You've been given excellent advice from Piggies & Buns above. I'll just add a few things as I live in the same part of the US as you so I've definitely had my fair share of nor'easters and cold snaps. If you have neighbors that you can trust and they have a heat source that doesn't require electricity then it may be an option for you and your piggies to go there temporarily. If you have a vehicle make sure the gas tank is full (prior to the storm) and you and your piggies can always sit in that to warm up, if needed. Prep carriers with hay, fleece, etc. so that you can easily move your piggies to a warm area and don't need to rush about in the cold should an emergency arise. I know it's been very cold here recently. It was only 7° F when I got to work this morning.
I didnt think of the car, thanks you so much for all the ideas!

I too am awaiting the impending storm. Right now the weather people have no idea what we are getting. I am on the cusp of a dusting to 6-9 inches.

All great advice above.

* Top up your pellets and hay containers.
* Purchase fresh veggies (yourself/family and your piggies).
* Ensure you have a plan if the power should go out.
* Have your snow gear ready to dig out.
* Always have your phone charged or near 100% battery.
* Have candles and flash lights ready.
* Write down numbers incase your phone dies so you can still call family.
* Talk to family and friends and possibly ride the storm out with them at your place or theirs.
* As said above have your carrier ready to transport them if needed.
* Stock up on ice melt or rock salt (preferably pet safe).
* Start your car periodically throughout the storm to ensure you don’t have a dead battery when you absolutely need to leave.
* Fill up your tank.
* If you have a brita or water filtration consider filling up a few jugs of water.
* Have a battery powered radio handy.
* Stock up on batteries.

Sorry for the long post and some of this may seem simple and redundant but I would hate to see anything happen to someone or their animals. Good luck!

I too am awaiting the impending storm. Right now the weather people have no idea what we are getting. I am on the cusp of a dusting to 6-9 inches.

All great advice above.

* Top up your pellets and hay containers.
* Purchase fresh veggies (yourself/family and your piggies).
* Ensure you have a plan if the power should go out.
* Have your snow gear ready to dig out.
* Always have your phone charged or near 100% battery.
* Have candles and flash lights ready.
* Write down numbers incase your phone dies so you can still call family.
* Talk to family and friends and possibly ride the storm out with them at your place or theirs.
* As said above have your carrier ready to transport them if needed.
* Stock up on ice melt or rock salt (preferably pet safe).
* Start your car periodically throughout the storm to ensure you don’t have a dead battery when you absolutely need to leave.
* Fill up your tank.
* If you have a brita or water filtration consider filling up a few jugs of water.
* Have a battery powered radio handy.
* Stock up on batteries.

Sorry for the long post and some of this may seem simple and redundant but I would hate to see anything happen to someone or their animals. Good luck!
Here their could be 14 inches:eek: Thank you so much for writing this all out, Ill make sure to do all of that! Thanks, good luck to you as well!
Good luck to everyone in the incoming path of the storm! I have family that is in the path of the storm and they are worried about losing power too. Plus, they all have covid right now so they aren't in the best of health.

Do you have access to hand warmers? You could put one underneath your fleece where your piggies can't get at it so they could stay warm, but they could leave that spot if it is too toasty for them.
Good luck to everyone in the incoming path of the storm! I have family that is in the path of the storm and they are worried about losing power too. Plus, they all have covid right now so they aren't in the best of health.

Do you have access to hand warmers? You could put one underneath your fleece where your piggies can't get at it so they could stay warm, but they could leave that spot if it is too toasty for them.
Thanks, i hope your family is ok! Ill try and look to see if i have any but i don't think so, thanks for the idea!
Have you any snugglesafes? They keep warm for up to 10 hours. They are the piggy equivalent of hot water bottles.