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snotty nose

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Feb 12, 2008
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Hi everyone,
I noticed one of my guinea pigs sneezing before and he had a big snot coming out of his nose. When I picked him up he sound a bit clogged up. I can't get him to the vets today so any other suggestions to make him comfortable?
may i ask what colour it was? as long as he is eating and drinking and his poops are normal i would just keep an eye on him. he might have just had a tickle up his nose. he may have a URI which will need antibiotics so i would try to get him to the vets as soon as you can. O0 good luck and sending hugs and healing vibes to you and your fur baby :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: please keep us posted. if he does stop eating and drinking then syringe feed him water and either critical care or mashed up pellets in a food processor or coffee grinder, add them to boiled water that has been allowed to cool and then 2-3 teaspoons of baby food puree like sweetcorn mix together into a paste and syringe feed at least 4-6 times a day. you could also try syringing or get chewable vitamin C supplement for him. please do get him to a vet as soon as you can as guinea pigs can go down hill very fast. :'( :'( :'( good luck and know we are always here O0
URI (upper respitory infection) or an allergy

get to the vet by tomorrow at the least as if it's a URI they get hold very quickly and can be a pain to shake off :)
Agree with the above. Take him to the vet as it is probably a uri which needs treatment with antibiotics.
Have you changed the type of hay you're using? I switched my pair onto Timothy Hay but poor Toffo is allergic to it and had a constantly snotty nose. I now have to keep him on the meadow hay instead.
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