Snorting On Floor Time And Running Around Popcorning. .good Or Bad?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Cheshire uk
Just had my two 5mth old girls out on floor time. Always been OK. But tonite both popcorning. .. but then the quiet and very shy one went on a mad run around. With jumping. Then kept doing a snort? Is this directed at the other piggie? What does it mean. There was no fighting or anything but she's jumping around alot... could she be distressed? She then flopped down sort of spread out then went to eat hay. Just that she is normally very quiet. Also they both on 4th week of xeno 450 spot on. But both have itched prob 3 times in the last hour. Do I poss need to get a 3rd dose on them. They have had 2 lots over 4 weeks.
Just had my two 5mth old girls out on floor time. Always been OK. But tonite both popcorning. .. but then the quiet and very shy one went on a mad run around. With jumping. Then kept doing a snort? Is this directed at the other piggie? What does it mean. There was no fighting or anything but she's jumping around alot... could she be distressed? She then flopped down sort of spread out then went to eat hay. Just that she is normally very quiet. Also they both on 4th week of xeno 450 spot on. But both have itched prob 3 times in the last hour. Do I poss need to get a 3rd dose on them. They have had 2 lots over 4 weeks.

Popcorning and zooming are both a sign of happiness and being settled in, as is flopping in the middle of floor Rejoice! ;)
Please always finish any course of ivermectin. I would not worry about scratch 3 times in an hour. Mites scratching is a LOT more frequent like that (like scratching as much as that in 3 minutes), and the intensity is unmistakeable.
Thanks @Wiebke ... tilly the black one the boss popcorn 's alot. Was just the timid white one flossy we only get the odd jump of joy normally. .. so with the lice treatment going on and her almost rolling on her side too like when a dog does to wipe their whiskers... but she does her body not her face I wondered if the lice issue was really getting to her as i know they can popcorn too in frustration ...though I can't see any eggs on her white fur. Do you know what the snorting is? Almost like if we blow loud through our nose. But it sounds alot louder.she makes it near the black one ... last thing I have noticed is tilly the boss doing something with flossy 's ear? It looks like she has her nose in it... can't tell if she's sniffing licking or nibbling but flossy just sits there... no noise. Is that just normal behaviour? As there has been a little bit of tilly nipping flossy I was keeping an eye on them...hard when they live outside.
Ear nibbling in piggies is a sign of acceptance and friendship. That's what I read on this form somewhere...

Poppy snorts more than Smudge, but not that often. I find it quite cute, but she does not seem to have anything else wrong.
Thanks @Wiebke ... tilly the black one the boss popcorn 's alot. Was just the timid white one flossy we only get the odd jump of joy normally. .. so with the lice treatment going on and her almost rolling on her side too like when a dog does to wipe their whiskers... but she does her body not her face I wondered if the lice issue was really getting to her as i know they can popcorn too in frustration ...though I can't see any eggs on her white fur. Do you know what the snorting is? Almost like if we blow loud through our nose. But it sounds alot louder.she makes it near the black one ... last thing I have noticed is tilly the boss doing something with flossy 's ear? It looks like she has her nose in it... can't tell if she's sniffing licking or nibbling but flossy just sits there... no noise. Is that just normal behaviour? As there has been a little bit of tilly nipping flossy I was keeping an eye on them...hard when they live outside.

Ear likcing or nibbling is friendly dominance. it translates as "I want you to be part of my herd!" All the signs you reporting spell minor, friendly dominance and happiness to me. ;)

No idea about the snorting. It may just be a slightly blocked nose; nothing to worry about. it is not a regular communication sound.
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