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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 23, 2011
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How I feel... every...single..night!
Anyone else?! :hb::hb:

My dog snores. Ha ha ha.

Oh god, its the most frustrating noise ever!
Sometimes! My cat will be snoring! I can hear my mum snoring in the other room AND OH will be snoring! Its like a choir of snores!
Oh god, its the most frustrating noise ever!
Sometimes! My cat will be snoring! I can hear my mum snoring in the other room AND OH will be snoring! Its like a choir of snores!
Why don't you join in? If you can beat them join them;-)
my pop snores so loud the windows shake on the other side of the house
My boyfriend doesn't snore, but my mother does, and sometimes I can hear her pretty well from her bedroom, but I must confess that it relaxes me (I don't think it would if I had the noise next to my ear though hahaha).
Why don't you join in? If you can beat them join them;-)
Seriously.. even if I did join them, I ain't got nothing on my OH! He could win the snoring Olympics.

my pop snores so loud the windows shake on the other side of the house
Bejebus! Do you find it annoying?!

My boyfriend doesn't snore, but my mother does, and sometimes I can hear her pretty well from her bedroom, but I must confess that it relaxes me (I don't think it would if I had the noise next to my ear though hahaha).

Yeahh, Like sometimes if its a light like... breathing almost.. but with a bit of snore its okay... But seriously you should hear it. When I have the choir going I just end up thinking to myself I'd probably get more sleep in the garden :(
How I feel... every...single..night!
Anyone else?! :hb::hb:


Sadly I am the guilty party with this! Spent the last two nights on the sofa because it got too much for Daddypig to handle :oops:
Sadly I am the guilty party with this! Spent the last two nights on the sofa because it got too much for Daddypig to handle :oops:

Oh no! At least you were nice about it and slept on the sofa for a bit! He's always like, "I'm asleep if I'm snoring thats your problem". I'm normally the one who has to go on the sofa because of HIS snoring!
Luckily he works nights, so I get 4 nights of whole undisturbed sleep! Its heavenly!
I'm the guilty one also. Luckily we have a spare bedroom so I'm banished to there. I've fallen asleep on the sofa before and woken in the early hours of the morning to see the piggles looking at me as if to say REALLY!
OH snores so loudly every night, so I can sympathise. I don't tend to moan as I know there's not much he can do about it...

HOWEVER, I only snore if I've got a cold or it's a particularly bad day during hayfever season and he'll moan at me for it. Bloody cheek!
Hahah, that's pictures says it all really. Thankfully I don't have a snorer!
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Yeahh, Like sometimes if its a light like... breathing almost.. but with a bit of snore its okay... But seriously you should hear it. When I have the choir going I just end up thinking to myself I'd probably get more sleep in the garden :(
Aw, poor you! Have you tried sleeping with ear plugs? I can't really think of anything better... because there's nothing you can do against snoring apart from surgery, is it?
I am a snorer :)) I can go through walls.... @Mrs Sport_Billy will not allow me to sleep on my back - i get beaten :))
Aw, poor you! Have you tried sleeping with ear plugs? I can't really think of anything better... because there's nothing you can do against snoring apart from surgery, is it?

Well, he hasn't always snored, its weird its only been like the last year or something! I've tried ear plugs, but they fall out my ears halfway through the night and I'm woken up by it :(
OH snores so loudly every night, so I can sympathise. I don't tend to moan as I know there's not much he can do about it...

HOWEVER, I only snore if I've got a cold or it's a particularly bad day during hayfever season and he'll moan at me for it. Bloody cheek!

Yeah I hate moaning because I know he cant help it. Yeah sometimes I snore when I have hayfever, but even then he whacks me and I stop so its not too bad!
I'm the guilty one also. Luckily we have a spare bedroom so I'm banished to there. I've fallen asleep on the sofa before and woken in the early hours of the morning to see the piggles looking at me as if to say REALLY!

hahahaha I bet the piggies love you! Thats good though, that you go to the spare bedroom. We dont have a spare bedroom, or i'd sleep in there. Sometimes i think i'll sleep on the sofa, but its so uncomfy! and I just wanna be in my own bed!
As a child growing up my 2 brothers & parents snored, I don't think I slept properly until i was old enough to leave home :eek: it drove me crackers... But when I hear my 18 month son snore its so cute :hmm:
As a child growing up my 2 brothers & parents snored, I don't think I slept properly for until i left home :eek: it drove me crackers... But when I hear my 18 month son snore its so cute :hmm:

Oh my goodness! I feel for you! I really do! Awwwh, well that's different, I bet he doesn't sound like a hippo! But think... if hes snoring now.. and hes only 18 months! Think about how loud he will be when hes older!
@A&T If my Dad visits and falls asleep I give him a good solid nudge and tell him if you're gonna do that please go home, ATM he's :ban: from sleeping in my house!
@A&T If my Dad visits and falls asleep I give him a good solid nudge and tell him if you're gonna do that please go home, ATM he's :ban: from sleeping in my house!

hahahahaha that's hilarious, Banned from the house because of snoring! I dont blame you though! I totally understand!
I honestly believe its traumatized me as I have a complete over reaction when I here it, I've visited my parents house with my boy and walked straight back out because my dads :fog: snoring away on the sofa! :eek:
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