Adult Guinea Pig
Snickers has come home!
After a stay at Aunty Pebble's (originally to try and bond with one of her boys, but they didn't exactly get on!) she has now come home to continue her quest for a friend.
So far this has not gone well - she fell out of the trio she was in, bit my girly Whiskey when we tried to add her to the herd, showed no interest at all in Bruno, didn't get on with two of Pebble's boys, and even tried to pick a fight with Bumble who is the most laid back pig I have ever had :{
Her issue is as soon as another pig tries even the slightest show of dominance, she freaks out and goes on the aggressive as a form of defence. She is great at interacting through bars, but awful when they are in her own space.
So the next plan piggies! Just as an older boar often gets on with a baby boy, as there is no challenge there, we are hoping Snicks will be the same with a baby sow. I am going down to the rescue Bruno came from on Saturday as she has a teeny tiny baby she has called Mouse who looks suspiciously like a Swiss or Texel or something very hairy (so basically right up my street!) who we hope might work with Snicks.
I plan to try the baby for as long as I can if Mouse doesn't work, so if any rescues have pregnancies suspected please keep us in mind!
The last resort will be to set up a hutch with divider and adopt a piggy of a similar disposition to live side by side, but I will try as many other options as I can before we go for this.
Snickers has meanwhile been settling in and getting her confidence back as she is quite a nervous piggy (another fab reason to not chuck pigs in with rabbits then hardly handle them...!)
Just checking Facebook...
Look I got even cuter while I was away Mum!
Despite the fact she basically needs a therapist and has bizarre psychological issues, I love this pig so much and am determined to do right by her.
After a stay at Aunty Pebble's (originally to try and bond with one of her boys, but they didn't exactly get on!) she has now come home to continue her quest for a friend.
So far this has not gone well - she fell out of the trio she was in, bit my girly Whiskey when we tried to add her to the herd, showed no interest at all in Bruno, didn't get on with two of Pebble's boys, and even tried to pick a fight with Bumble who is the most laid back pig I have ever had :{
Her issue is as soon as another pig tries even the slightest show of dominance, she freaks out and goes on the aggressive as a form of defence. She is great at interacting through bars, but awful when they are in her own space.
So the next plan piggies! Just as an older boar often gets on with a baby boy, as there is no challenge there, we are hoping Snicks will be the same with a baby sow. I am going down to the rescue Bruno came from on Saturday as she has a teeny tiny baby she has called Mouse who looks suspiciously like a Swiss or Texel or something very hairy (so basically right up my street!) who we hope might work with Snicks.
I plan to try the baby for as long as I can if Mouse doesn't work, so if any rescues have pregnancies suspected please keep us in mind!
The last resort will be to set up a hutch with divider and adopt a piggy of a similar disposition to live side by side, but I will try as many other options as I can before we go for this.
Snickers has meanwhile been settling in and getting her confidence back as she is quite a nervous piggy (another fab reason to not chuck pigs in with rabbits then hardly handle them...!)
Just checking Facebook...
Look I got even cuter while I was away Mum!
Despite the fact she basically needs a therapist and has bizarre psychological issues, I love this pig so much and am determined to do right by her.