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Smore is choking/can't breathe?


New Born Pup
Nov 1, 2022
Reaction score
uh i have two guinea pigs
He's never really been well, always showing signs of a cold, but the vet never figured out why, well just yesterday he started choking, it feels like he can't breathe and he is breathing through his mouth, is this URI? if so, what can I do at home for him, and should we see the vet as soon as possible
He's never really been well, always showing signs of a cold, but the vet never figured out why, well just yesterday he started choking, it feels like he can't breathe and he is breathing through his mouth, is this URI? if so, what can I do at home for him, and should we see the vet as soon as possible
Sorry to hear S’mores is unwell, Yes he should see a vet asap he will need antibiotics if he has a UTI. A vet appointment today is necessary.
You cannot do anything for him at home - he needs vet care.
Guinea pigs can’t really breathe through their mouths very well if he is trying to do so then he does sound to be really struggling.

I’ve just looked back your other posts.
Piggies don’t get colds, they get bacterial infections. Your other post says that your piggy did see a vet and did get antibiotics but mentions him getting ‘one shot’ back in November. We did say at that time that one antibiotic injection is highly unlikely to be enough. Most piggies with a URI are put on a course of oral antibiotics for several weeks.
Your post also says your vet doesn’t know much about piggies. If a URI is not fully treated then it can cause permanent issues.
I would suggest you find a more knowledgable vet if symptoms are ongoing and have your piggy seen again.
If you are in the UK then we have a recommended vet list but the link also contains a further link to Guinea lynx for US vet - Recommended Guinea Pig Vets

I hope he is ok