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Smelly urine with blood

Gemma W

New Born Pup
Sep 8, 2024
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hello everyone,

I'm after some advice/opinions on the treatment given to my two year old female guinea pig recently for blood in her urine.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed she appeared to have done one orange/pale red coloured wee. I think she did squeak a little bit as if in slight discomfort but did not sound extremely painful. She did not do any more wees that looked concerning for just over a week. When the blood in her urine came back it was bright red this time and she was doing multiple small frequent wees with a fair amount of squeaking which is not like her at all! The wees are also very smelly and she did have a wet bum the next morning when I checked on her.

I've had piggies in the past who have had UTIs and urinary stones. Her symptoms aren't all the same as my previous pigs when they had stones so was leaning towards her hopefully just having a UTI. I took her to the vets the next day where she weighed in at 1.2kg which is around normal for her as she has not exhibited any weight loss (she absolutely loves food!). They tested her urine sample which I'd obtained in the morning, the dip test showed blood was present despite her urine that day looking pretty normal in colour. The microscopy exam showed a small amount of cocci present so said it would be best to start on some antibiotics as there were signs of a mild infection present. They also said to bring in a fresh sample the next day just to double check as the one I took in had been in the fridge for over 6 hours and not to start the antibiotics yet until another sample had been looked at.

She was prescribed with cat metacam to give 0.5ml once daily on the first day then 0.25ml once daily thereafter. I didn't want to use baytril as some of my previous pigs declined rapidly whilst on it so asked for sulfatrim as I'd had in the past for urinary issues. This was not in stock so was given the human equivalent Co-trimoxazole adult suspension to give 1.5ml twice daily for 7 days.

Can I please check if these dosages sound about right for a 1.2kg piggie? I'm sure when I've had metacam in the past I had to give it twice daily as they metabolise it quicker than cats and dogs? And when I gave sulfatrim I'm sure this was only around 0.3ish ml twice daily, 1.5ml twice daily of the Co-trimoxazole seems excessive to me?

The fresh urine sample I brought in was a slight pink/orange tinge and was quite cloudy. I did have to collect up about 4 wees as they were so small! The dip test for blood this time was off the scale and the square on the test strip went black! There did appear to be more cocci present than the previous day so advised the start the antibiotics asap. The vet and nurse were not sure if it looks like a couple of crystals are present so I will attach the microscope images they sent me below for other people's opinions.

The vet could not feel any large/obvious stones but I did mention I know they can be hard to feel and could it potentially be more of a sludge issue or tiny stones rather than one large one? She did advise to do xray imaging and an ultrasound scan to double check but both agreed to see how she is on antibiotics for about a week and if her symptoms don't go away to investigate further.

Thank you for your time, it would be lovely to hear what other people think particularly with regards to the medication dosages.


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Hello everyone,

I'm after some advice/opinions on the treatment given to my two year old female guinea pig recently for blood in her urine.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed she appeared to have done one orange/pale red coloured wee. I think she did squeak a little bit as if in slight discomfort but did not sound extremely painful. She did not do any more wees that looked concerning for just over a week. When the blood in her urine came back it was bright red this time and she was doing multiple small frequent wees with a fair amount of squeaking which is not like her at all! The wees are also very smelly and she did have a wet bum the next morning when I checked on her.

I've had piggies in the past who have had UTIs and urinary stones. Her symptoms aren't all the same as my previous pigs when they had stones so was leaning towards her hopefully just having a UTI. I took her to the vets the next day where she weighed in at 1.2kg which is around normal for her as she has not exhibited any weight loss (she absolutely loves food!). They tested her urine sample which I'd obtained in the morning, the dip test showed blood was present despite her urine that day looking pretty normal in colour. The microscopy exam showed a small amount of cocci present so said it would be best to start on some antibiotics as there were signs of a mild infection present. They also said to bring in a fresh sample the next day just to double check as the one I took in had been in the fridge for over 6 hours and not to start the antibiotics yet until another sample had been looked at.

She was prescribed with cat metacam to give 0.5ml once daily on the first day then 0.25ml once daily thereafter. I didn't want to use baytril as some of my previous pigs declined rapidly whilst on it so asked for sulfatrim as I'd had in the past for urinary issues. This was not in stock so was given the human equivalent Co-trimoxazole adult suspension to give 1.5ml twice daily for 7 days.

Can I please check if these dosages sound about right for a 1.2kg piggie? I'm sure when I've had metacam in the past I had to give it twice daily as they metabolise it quicker than cats and dogs? And when I gave sulfatrim I'm sure this was only around 0.3ish ml twice daily, 1.5ml twice daily of the Co-trimoxazole seems excessive to me?

The fresh urine sample I brought in was a slight pink/orange tinge and was quite cloudy. I did have to collect up about 4 wees as they were so small! The dip test for blood this time was off the scale and the square on the test strip went black! There did appear to be more cocci present than the previous day so advised the start the antibiotics asap. The vet and nurse were not sure if it looks like a couple of crystals are present so I will attach the microscope images they sent me below for other people's opinions.

The vet could not feel any large/obvious stones but I did mention I know they can be hard to feel and could it potentially be more of a sludge issue or tiny stones rather than one large one? She did advise to do xray imaging and an ultrasound scan to double check but both agreed to see how she is on antibiotics for about a week and if her symptoms don't go away to investigate further.

Thank you for your time, it would be lovely to hear what other people think particularly with regards to the medication dosages.

Hi and welcome

Urine can test high for blood without being red and deep red urine can test free of blood; I have those t-shirts myself. Coloured and clear pees which may or may not contain blood are par for the onset of both a bacterial urine infection or a sterile cystitis - the latter is much more common these days in especially indoors piggies but sadly not much known. It usually takes around 5 days for symptoms to firm up and become consistent.

At the moment, there is no indication for any specific illness so what your vet has prescribed is at the lower end of the spectrum. You can find more information for the antibiotic used under 'bactrim' or septrin'. It is now officially licensed for use in guinea pigs and the second most commonly used antibiotic. Even if there is some coccus present, the quantity is obviously not big enough to cause an infection. There is not a lot your vet can do without any clearer symptoms and further investigations right now. Things may become more obvious in the coming days.

Please take the time to this guide; you may find the information on sterile cystitis interesting. The smelly, frequent urine is characteristic for an infection of some sort. Has your vet checked the reproductive tract (womb), just to be on the safe side?

Please accept that we are an owners forum and not a medical forum. We run this section for ongoing practical and moral support during an illness and treatment.

All the best for getting to the bottom of it.
Good luck sorting your piggy out.
My Bobby had a uti last week - he was prescribed baytril 2x daily 0.2 ml and metacam ( cat type) 1x daily also 0.2ml for 5 days
His urine was smelly and he had a wet bottom .
He did go off his food once the baytril kicked in and lost weight - hopefully your piggy will continue eating
The meds did sort the uti and with critical care food he has started to put his weight back on
His appetite is improving each day
I am using some probiotic to restore his gut good bacteria
Hi and welcome

Urine can test high for blood without being red and deep red urine can test free of blood; I have those t-shirts myself. Coloured and clear pees which may or may not contain blood are par for the onset of both a bacterial urine infection or a sterile cystitis - the latter is much more common these days in especially indoors piggies but sadly not much known. It usually takes around 5 days for symptoms to firm up and become consistent.

At the moment, there is no indication for any specific illness so what your vet has prescribed is at the lower end of the spectrum. You can find more information for the antibiotic used under 'bactrim' or septrin'. It is now officially licensed for use in guinea pigs and the second most commonly used antibiotic. Even if there is some coccus present, the quantity is obviously not big enough to cause an infection. There is not a lot your vet can do without any clearer symptoms and further investigations right now. Things may become more obvious in the coming days.

Please take the time to this guide; you may find the information on sterile cystitis interesting. The smelly, frequent urine is characteristic for an infection of some sort. Has your vet checked the reproductive tract (womb), just to be on the safe side?

Please accept that we are an owners forum and not a medical forum. We run this section for ongoing practical and moral support during an illness and treatment.

All the best for getting to the bottom of it.
Hello thank you so much for your excellent reply. I was also thinking about sterile cystitis as one of my previous piggies urine issues never really seemed to resolve yet there was no infection or stones present. It's such a shame if it is as she's only 2😔 She is a bit of a stress head and does get chased around a lot by her sister (not in an aggressive way but it does make her jump everytime as its like she gets the zoomies!).

I was just quite concerned that 1.5ml or the co-trimoxazole twice daily seemed a lot compared to other antibiotics I've had but I will continue with this dose if this seems normal.

The vet did check her vulval area and didn't seem concerned about a pyometra or anything. She did come into season later on after her vet visit so may explain some of the smell as she isn't so bad today. Her wees are still small and slightly discoloured but I will give the treatment a few more days and if she doesn't improve will look to do some more in depth investigations. I'm just terrified if it is stones as I've not had a good experience with them previously and she's been on a low calcium diet. Peppers are thankfully her favourite food so I know she is getting enough vitamin c at least but may consider getting a supplement if stones are present.
Good luck sorting your piggy out.
My Bobby had a uti last week - he was prescribed baytril 2x daily 0.2 ml and metacam ( cat type) 1x daily also 0.2ml for 5 days
His urine was smelly and he had a wet bottom .
He did go off his food once the baytril kicked in and lost weight - hopefully your piggy will continue eating
The meds did sort the uti and with critical care food he has started to put his weight back on
His appetite is improving each day
I am using some probiotic to restore his gut good bacteria
Hello thank you for the well wishes! I'm so sorry to hear your Bobby has been poorly too😔 I hope he is now feeling a little better? It sounds like he is in good hands with you and well taken care of.
The piggies I've had before on baytril suffered with upset tummies hence why I wanted to avoid it if possible but this co-trimoxazole treatment seemed to have such a high dose compared to baytril and sulfatrim I've had before. It's takes 1.5 of a small syringe as she doesn't like the smaller nozzle on the bigger syringes🤦‍♀️
Piggy parcels are now doing pellets with joint support (glucosamine) which is also good for bladder issues. I have a pig with a UTI history and will be getting some when their current bag is finished. They usually have the ordinary pellets from there which they love.
I thought it worth mentioning as you are in the UK.
Piggy parcels are now doing pellets with joint support (glucosamine) which is also good for bladder issues. I have a pig with a UTI history and will be getting some when their current bag is finished. They usually have the ordinary pellets from there which they love.
I thought it worth mentioning as you are in the UK.
Oh thank you that's really useful to know! I will for sure have a look into those once I've finished their current bag of pellets. They are on the blackcurrant Burgess at the moment but only have a small handful every other day between the two of them but the ingredients in the food you've suggested looks much better for them. As she is a large pig I do worry about her joints later in life so this would also help with that.

Her urine does seem to be a lot better now the antibiotics have kicked in and she hasn't squeaked at all for a few days now and isn't all smelly! Hopefully the antibiotics have done their job and it was just a UTI and not anything more serious🤞🏻
Ah I’m glad she’s better ❤️
be watchful tho as I thought Bobby was cured but he suddenly started squeaking when weeing. Bunched up in his hidey as if in pain. This was two days after his meds finished - the Vet thought it could be sterile cystitis which is a very common thing with piggies and often not properly diagnosed.
He’s on metacam for 10 days and we’ll see how he goes - the Vet thought it best not to give more antibiotics as Bobby’s bladder felt back to normal and soft. ( and his wee doesn’t smell, no blood or appear with crystals etc) If he doesn’t improve then we will
do X-rays to see for stones or bladder sludge
I’ve given him a probiotic after the antibiotics to help restore his gut
Altho the vet didn’t think glucasamine would help I’ve ordered some and will be giving him that as it helps to restore the lining of the bladder and help everything settle down 🤞
I’ve also ordered the piggy pellets with glucasamine in