Smelly Poos

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 19, 2015
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Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right forum and I've no problem if the admins move this thread.

I've two boars aged around 10 weeks. Nothing has changed in the last few days, but one thing. Whilst their home didn't smell of roses, it wasn't too bad. But since yesterday it's really been quite smelly. And their poos are definitely to blame. What could be the cause of this sudden change?
Are their poops different to normal? Or have they eaten anything differently?

How long had you had them?

How often do you clean them out, and what size cage do they have?
Hi, what do you feed your pigs?
Could be they are getting to many vegertabls
Are their poops different to normal? Or have they eaten anything differently?

How long had you had them?

How often do you clean them out, and what size cage do they have?

Same as usual in size and colour.

About 6-7 weeks

Clean out every three days, new bedding etc two days ago. 1m * 1m * 0.4m cage.
If it were me l would try cutting down on veg and see how they go,
It shouldent do any halm :tu:
I've noticed different types of veg make poos smell more. Grass gives a very earthy smell. Anything in the cabbage family is extra smelly!
Yup, we find cabbage, broccoli and sprouts are all smelly and H does wonderful farts too... Might just be a vegetable thing but if you are concerned and anything else changes then maybe get them checked out. Are they gaining weight and growing ok?
Just a thought, dont assume just because a peice of carrot looks looks ok
It is ok,
Ocasionaley even a small slice of carrot can have a bad section tnside .

I found that when i shredded a peice of carrot :vom:
Thanks for your advice folks. I'll see what happens with less veg. I know there's gonna be some unhappy pigs :nod:.
I've got the same problem with my newly adopted boars! I poop scoop a minimum of 3 times a day. It's definitely the poops rather than the wee but I also change the wee mats daily. They are on fleece with additional mats in wee prone areas. It's such a strong smell in comparison to the sows I'm used to caring for when their owners are away. I wasn't prepared for this pungency (!) but will try cutting back a little on veg and see if I notice an improvement. Will be keeping my eye on this thread and add any info if I have success.
Having fostered both sexes, and always bedded on fleece( over top of paper, and towels too sometimes) I would say I find boars smellier generally than sows. Not a lot, and it depends on veg given to some extent. I always check anal sacs regularly and give them a good clean out if needed. I have my piggies in our only living room so maybe we get immune to pongs over time;).
Same as usual in size and colour.

About 6-7 weeks

Clean out every three days, new bedding etc two days ago. 1m * 1m * 0.4m cage.

Here are our detailed recommendations for a balanced diet. It is likely that you want to cut down on the vegetable intake and up the fibre. Some herbs and vegetables can cause more smelly poos like parsley or broccoli.
Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
Success at last! After several days of a complete ban on cruciferous vegetables I went into the piggy room this morning and did not feel the need to fling the window wide open! I hope that banning the stinky veg will not cause them any problems. I am giving them a varied diet of veg as part of their overall diet which consists mostly of hay and a few pellets (20g each daily - they are energetic young boys!) They eat 5 of the following daily (small amounts as per guidelines): carrot, parsnip, cherry tomatoes, celery, cucumber, bell peppers, lettuce (not iceberg), corn on the cob, parsley, coriander. If anyone thinks they may be lacking anything important please say. I am very relieved to have two more socially smelling boys - last time my sister visited she said "they stink!". Next time I don't think there will be the same response!
Success at last! After several days of a complete ban on cruciferous vegetables I went into the piggy room this morning and did not feel the need to fling the window wide open! I hope that banning the stinky veg will not cause them any problems. I am giving them a varied diet of veg as part of their overall diet which consists mostly of hay and a few pellets (20g each daily - they are energetic young boys!) They eat 5 of the following daily (small amounts as per guidelines): carrot, parsnip, cherry tomatoes, celery, cucumber, bell peppers, lettuce (not iceberg), corn on the cob, parsley, coriander. If anyone thinks they may be lacking anything important please say. I am very relieved to have two more socially smelling boys - last time my sister visited she said "they stink!". Next time I don't think there will be the same response!

You may find our recommendations for a balanced diet and especially those for daily veg helpful. Our recommended daily veg can be eaten as a full diet; they are nutritionally balanced for long term use. I would recommend to use the daily veg as a basis (which you are pretty much feeding anyway, so not massive changes needed for you) and to just add one of your other veg a day in turn for added interest.
I have found that parsley also causes smellier poos, so I would recommend ditching it for coriander. You will find that greens will not cause the stinky gassiness like cabbages or broccoli.
Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
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