Smelly Dangleberries.......

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2012
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Well, this is embarrassing! :whistle:

For Theo that is! Haha!

It would appear that a certain young gentleman isn't taking care of his daily hygiene as he should be, and his is a little wiffy in the dangelberry department! :vom:

As he is only around 5mths old, they haven't dropped fully yet, and he seems to collect bits of god only knows what quite a distance up inside.
We are trying not to clean him every day, so that we don't disturb his natural balance, but we do him 3 or 4 times a week, and it's always pretty niffy!.
The carrot is fine, its the sprouts that are mouldy!:vom:

So - do we wait and see if he drops fully and becomes a bit less rancid, or book him in for castration in the hopes that that will sort it?

In the meantime, what can we wash him with? We are just doing warm water on a soft cloth or make up remover pad, no soap or anything, is there a Guinea Pig nacker deoderiser?!

Help! Lol!

Thanks in advance! x
Oh dear Poor Theo. It is hard for a young man sometimes although I don't think he will be half as embarrassed as his Mummy lol.

Generally a vet will not castrate any animal before they are 6 months old and sometimes it will be longer as it can take longer for them to drop fully. The vet will be able to tell you longer term if they do not drop over 6 months if there is a problem.

Meantime I would just do exactly what you are doing with the cloth & warm water & perhaps he will learn in time how to sort himself out a bit better ;)
Oh - poor you ! Poor Theo !

I can't add anything to the advice above.

If this continues to be a problem , you may want to get some shampoo from the Gorgeous Guineas range ...

.. and just do regular bum baths .


PS - if you discover a Guinea Pig Knacker Deodoriser - patent it quick ! - you could make a fortune !
maybe wiekbe can give you some advice.maybe wise to get him checked out at a vets incase of an under lying problem,eg infection.thanks.wonderful cavy mummmy.
Oh if you do work out how to keep him clean please let me know! My Percy is the same! He's always full of who knows what!
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