Smelly boars!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
I'm from the north east and now live in bristol
Hey all,

So ive had the rescued boys for coming up to about a month. There alot more social and happy to be out of thier hideys even when we are around there hutch. Ive noticed that after floor/lap time they get a bit arsey with each other so ive been bringing them out together which seems to have helped a bit.

BUT all of a sudden they have started to hum!

I put them in thier indoor pen today for a good run abour and some cooling treats as its soo hot here atm and even though ive put them on a blanket i use to cover a section of thier indoor hutch they are absolutely stinking!

I dont know if this is just a hormonal thing or if its just time they had a bath. Ive been making sure that i put a little bit of thier old hay in the cleaned out hutch but omg today they just stink!

Any suggestions? I'm also realy nervous about bathing them a its not something ive attempted before :S eeeeeeeeeek help?
Maybe try a bath!? Are their grease glands greasy? But it could be a bit hormonal as mine went through a week or two of really stinking but didn't act any different!x
Yeah ive checked them over properly today and thier glands are ok. they are no where near trusting enough to bath them just yet. They came from a cupboard so are just getting used to living in the day light.

Ive took a damp flannel to them today to help cool them down and clean them abit.
Hopefully be able to bathe them properly when they get a bit more trusting and less panicky.
They probably are just going through a period of stinking!x
I'm sure that is all it is! They may grow out of it or it could become an annual event!x
They are definatly not the easiest boys to figure out. They have some quirks ive never seen in pigs before. Which i think is purely a result of them coming from a dark cupboard.

For example:
thier emergancy make shift hutch i had them in ( my old ikea ottoman ) Is a touch too small for them.
so being savy i got them a nice sized run and loads of hides etx and ive been giving them loads of running space after a couple of weeks in the small pen which they were used to.

However this has just resulted in them choosing to work together to move thier larger cardboard box hide around the run towards the food an water bowls.
This new game has now moved onto the small temp hutch which they now rarely leave thier hidey unless they think absoluely noone is around. and move thier hidey towards the food and water lol

In the mean time:

Ive got given a big hutch for them which was in need for a little repair but was fine for use. so after a big clean and major work done i put them in for a afternoon to get used to it....
OooOOo they didnt like that. fought all afternoon until i put them back in the smaller temp hutch. To which we had a full hour of happy sqweeks and even some churping!

Sooo ive come to the conclusion. Everyother pig needs tons of space and loads of room to run about and attention... Where as my boars need a tiny little house with a box which they can move back and forward to the food bowl and back HAHAH
Have you checked there bums and actual bits, i know you've checked there glands but you have to get in there parts and clean them out, my Chester pig gets VERY stinky sometimes,

taken from guinea lynx -

'A Regular Routine (no matter what age)
The perineal sac is a collecting place for all sorts of debris (hair, cage shavings, hay) and should be cleaned out on a regular basis. Mineral oil, warm water soaks and/or flushes, and Q-tips work well for this procedure. Make sure you retract the folds of the anus enough so you can see right into the sac (it is quite deep). Your guinea pig won't like this procedure but it doesn't hurt though the smell can sometimes be quite strong! It's possible, in some boars that haven't been cleaned regularly to develop an anal plug - basically a solid mass of debris and grease which is stuck to the anal wall. This can be worked out using liberal amounts of mineral oil to release the edges of the plug without tearing the skin - this takes time and a lot of patience. See your vet if you are unsure! '
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