Smell And Fleece

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New Born Pup
Aug 25, 2014
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I am planning on using fleece sewed to towels for bedding. I have heard that it smells though, and who wants that? So how could the odor be remedied?
I used to use cloth nappies with fleece liners when my kids were babies so it's probably not that different! They way to keep the nappies fresh was to use a tiny amount of powder and do an extra rinse to make sure all the soap is rinsed out as the soap residue holds odours. I used to add some white vinegar to the first rinse too (NO fabric conditioner) which also helps clean and reduce odours.
Wash your fleece with a non-bio, softener-free washing powder at a higher temperature. I wash mine mostly a 60C. That also prevents the build-up of bacteria. I change mine twice weekly. A bit of white vinegar in the wash can also help with keeping the smell down.

I would recommend to splash out on some good quality non-pill microfleece; this wicks pee away best to the layer underneath once the sealing softener has been washed out.
Thanks I will follow those washing instructions, but is there anything I can Do while it's in the cage?
Agree with Wiebke - non bio softner-free at 60c - I change my pigs at least every other day and fresh hay on newspaper daily,as they all live in the lounge and I need to make sure they don't smell.Waitrose do a really good essentials non bio washing liquid that costs £2 and does 10 washes - tried other brands own cheapo range and they are horrible.
I do exactly what the others do. Change it every 3 - 4 days at least, hot wash (in an old duvet cover) at 60 with non bio and white vinegar in the rinse. No bacteria build up, no smells, everyone is happy and well !
But I hear even between spot cleaning there is smell, is there like a spray or air freshened or will it just be a mixed smell
I have started using fleece three days ago and the smell is bad and what do you do with so many poos ! and how do your washing machines cope with the fur ? x
I have started using fleece three days ago and the smell is bad and what do you do with so many poos ! and how do your washing machines cope with the fur ? x
Astrid, you need to remove poops at least twice a day. You can wash fleece in a horse wash bag to prevent the washing machine from filling up with hay. I use one like this,

What do you have under the fleece? Do you use two layers of fleece? It needs to be washed every three days.
Thanks that is helpful I do remove poos but with marzipans stomach issues at the moment its not a pleasant task ! x
What did the vet say about her stomach?
Its only been two days no weight loss or loss of appetite, I think its starting to clear up but I'm not one to hesitate on taking her to the vet if it's necessary !
Its only been two days no weight loss or loss of appetite, I think its starting to clear up but I'm not one to hesitate on taking her to the vet if it's necessary !
You could always start a thread in health and illness for advice. I hope she is better soon.
You could always start a thread in health and illness for advice. I hope she is better soon.
Thanks I appreciate your support (as ever) I might do that but I think I have found another post which sums up her symptoms so I am going to use the advice if necessary ! I dont see many photos of your piggys much ? all I see is your lovely advice would you care to post a few ? x :))
Thanks I appreciate your support (as ever) I might do that but I think I have found another post which sums up her symptoms so I am going to use the advice if necessary ! I dont see many photos of your piggys much ? all I see is your lovely advice would you care to post a few ? x :))
I posted a picture today of Faisel and one of Mooli a few days ago! Lol.
I use fleece with 2 layers of towels and I change my fleece and towels manly when it is needed. To me you can see when it looks dirty. I am guessing I change mine every 5 days or so sometimes maybe longer or shorter. I am home all day so I collect poops every chance I get sometimes 5 times a day, I am a neat freak and prefer them to have a clean cage too, plus I sweep and pick up any hay that is on the fleece and then come wash time there is no hay on it.. So far my cage doesn't small but my piggy's are only about 4 months old so when they are older the smell might come. My one piggy was peeing in a litter box but now doesn't and I would like both too that would help the fleece.
I use newspaper with puppy pads on top of it a towel on that then vet bed then a fleece. I spot clean every time I go past them and change it all every three days. I use a rubber floor brush to brush all the hay and poo off then pop it in a horse wash bag and wash as Wiebke said .No smell :D
I sew fleece around water absorbent crib mattress pads as well as water absorbent cloth diapers. I would buy fleece cage liners already made but they're a tad expensive and I can sew my own for much cheaper. The small pads and fleece beds I wash every other day or so and then the large pad I wash once a week but I take all fleece items out everyday and sweep them off. To be honest, I never have a smell coming from my piggies or their fleece liners that I can smell when walking by their pen or coming into the house. And the fleece is nicer for their little feet! I don't think smell is something you should focus too much on if you enjoy owning piggies!
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