I use this sort of piggies training humans example to my students to describe operant and classical conditioning in animal learning experiments... Operant conditioning (requires intelligent reasoning to associate action with outcome): piggy performs cute action or makes noise to receive food. Classical conditioning: (instinctive like Pavlov's dogs) human is trained to dispense food when piggy does something. Anything. See piggy = give food
I use this sort of piggies training humans example to my students to describe operant and classical conditioning in animal learning experiments... Operant conditioning (requires intelligent reasoning to associate action with outcome): piggy performs cute action or makes noise to receive food. Classical conditioning: (instinctive like Pavlov's dogs) human is trained to dispense food when piggy does something. Anything. See piggy = give food
Maybe the piggies will build a Skinner box for us... or maybe I've just been on leave from work too long with nobody to talk to but piggies and giant snails!