Nic bee
Junior Guinea Pig
Hello. My big piggie is 10mths old weighs 1.2kg and so laid back, my little pig is 7mths old 900g and flighty. I've had them 5 mths from a rescue and they've always got on but liked their own space. My big pig was clearly dominant but never mean with it (just rumbled lots around little pig) however over the past week my little pig has been pushing/chasing my big pig about and today stopped him getting hay. I saw them having an actual lunging at each other fight yesterday but panicked and jumped up so not sure what was actually going on but it did look like 2 furballs rolling round the cage together. They're always chattering their teeth at each other (lightly) & little pig won't let bigpig in the bed he's in anymore.
They have lots of space and 2 of everything now but I'm getting concerned as they have made contact in a fight. Could my little pig be trying to take over? My big pig looks so sad being pushed out of his bed where he's always slept..
Any advice please?
They have lots of space and 2 of everything now but I'm getting concerned as they have made contact in a fight. Could my little pig be trying to take over? My big pig looks so sad being pushed out of his bed where he's always slept..
Any advice please?