Small wounds in skinny pig while trying to bond, time to separate?


New Born Pup
Jan 31, 2021
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA, United States
I've been bonding my skinny boy Pork Chop with a new boy for the past three days. Initial bonding was okay. Chasing and rumbling but also grooming themselves next to each other and the new pig seemed to want to be near Porky. Eventually the new boy plonked down and rested and they are next to each other for a while. After four hours I added them to a deep cleaned cage.

They seem to not really spend time together and sit on opposite sides of the cage. I've made sure there's two bottle and two piles of hay. The new boy seems to only want to stay under two of the hides and is a bit defensive of them. Porky does seem to want to eat together, but other than that no signs of them really getting along. And now yesterday I noticed a couple of small scratches, which today have turned into many small scratches on the side of Porky's neck.IMG_20221218_222353282.webpThey're shallow, and I know he doesn't have fur to protect him so he gets cut easier, but I'm wondering if this is a sign they aren't compatible or just part of the bonding.
Can you spend some time watching them to see what is happening? Is there any major teeth chattering, yawning or
lunging as chasing and mounting are fairly mild dominance behaviours and those little scratches do look like scrapes/scratches rather than bites wounds. I would be included to monitor and leave them be for now unless it starts to turn ugly.

Make sure you have the biggest space cage wise that you can possibly provide as boars do need lots of space.
my skinny pig Samantha,gets dry skin and can end up with small scratches.i agree with bill and ted ,watch for those behaviours.The skinny pig needs to be gently wash the areas with a saline solution of ,pinch of salt to 20mls of cooled boiled water solution,use lint free cotton pads to gently clean the area.if it does not heal i would take your skinny pig to the vet to get the scratches checked out.