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Small/Sunflower seed-looking poops


New Born Pup
Jul 20, 2023
Reaction score
North Carolina
So, randomly today me and my partner have noticed our guinea pig Mali's poops are a bit different than normal. They look just the same as her normal ones, but a bit smaller and a little bit of a point at the tip of one end. We recently have put her on a low-calcium diet because her cage-mate recently passed due to stones. We have had her on this diet for about 2 days and she's been doing fine up until now.

She's been hiding a bit all day and she comes out to eat every now and then but it is not the same as usual. I am unsure if this is depression related because of her recently passed mate, and we don't want to get her another one because she doesn't get along with others that well + we don't want more after our remaining pass. If it ends up due to the passed mate, then we will get her a new mate if it is for the sake of her life. We took her to the vet 2 days ago and they did a full check-up + x-rays to look for any sign of stones. So, we figured they would have found something wrong with her then, such as dental, bloat, etc.

I would also like to add on that Mali will randomly get sick for a day and refuse to eat, and then she will act normal the within a few hours - next day and be good for months at a time. But she does randomly do this. We call her our dramatic piggy, but she scares us out of nowhere.

We are getting her some critical care today, and we will start her on that. Any advice as we continue? We are trying to stay away from the vet because we are currently drowning with about $1,200 from the last week or so. But if it has to be done, it shall!
So, randomly today me and my partner have noticed our guinea pig Mali's poops are a bit different than normal. They look just the same as her normal ones, but a bit smaller and a little bit of a point at the tip of one end. We recently have put her on a low-calcium diet because her cage-mate recently passed due to stones. We have had her on this diet for about 2 days and she's been doing fine up until now.

She's been hiding a bit all day and she comes out to eat every now and then but it is not the same as usual. I am unsure if this is depression related because of her recently passed mate, and we don't want to get her another one because she doesn't get along with others that well + we don't want more after our remaining pass. If it ends up due to the passed mate, then we will get her a new mate if it is for the sake of her life. We took her to the vet 2 days ago and they did a full check-up + x-rays to look for any sign of stones. So, we figured they would have found something wrong with her then, such as dental, bloat, etc.

I would also like to add on that Mali will randomly get sick for a day and refuse to eat, and then she will act normal the within a few hours - next day and be good for months at a time. But she does randomly do this. We call her our dramatic piggy, but she scares us out of nowhere.

We are getting her some critical care today, and we will start her on that. Any advice as we continue? We are trying to stay away from the vet because we are currently drowning with about $1,200 from the last week or so. But if it has to be done, it shall!

Hi and welcome

Your piggy is likely ill and feeling off. Keep in mind that it takes about 1-2 days before what your piggy has eaten comes out at the other end that over three quarters what a guinea pig eats in a day is hay, which you cannot control by eye. Smaller than normal poos reflect a diminished food intake.

Please switch from the usual once weekly health monitoring weigh-in on your kitchen scales to weighing daily first thing in the morning for best day to day comparison so you get an instant feedback of what is going and can plan the appropriate level for home support feeding care accordingly.

You may find these guide links here very helpful for all the little practical questions and how-to tips, including how to improvise if you haven't got any support products handy:
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Here is guidance on how soon to see a vet:
Early Signs Of Illness
How Soon Should My Guinea Pig See A Vet? - A Quick Guide

Please take the time to read the guide links and to bookmark the link to our bridging, crisis and emergency advice collection so you always have it handy:
Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

All the best. if your guinea pig is looking ill, I would recommend that you book a vet appointment as soon as possible since it usually takes a bit longer to see a vet in the USA and there is a weekend coming up.
Hi and welcome

Your piggy is likely ill and feeling off. Keep in mind that it takes about 1-2 days before what your piggy has eaten comes out at the other end that over three quarters what a guinea pig eats in a day is hay, which you cannot control by eye. Smaller than normal poos reflect a diminished food intake.

Please switch from the usual once weekly health monitoring weigh-in on your kitchen scales to weighing daily first thing in the morning for best day to day comparison so you get an instant feedback of what is going and can plan the appropriate level for home support feeding care accordingly.

You may find these guide links here very helpful for all the little practical questions and how-to tips, including how to improvise if you haven't got any support products handy:
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Here is guidance on how soon to see a vet:
Early Signs Of Illness
How Soon Should My Guinea Pig See A Vet? - A Quick Guide

Please take the time to read the guide links and to bookmark the link to our bridging, crisis and emergency advice collection so you always have it handy:
Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

All the best. if your guinea pig is looking ill, I would recommend that you book a vet appointment as soon as possible since it usually takes a bit longer to see a vet in the USA and there is a weekend coming up.
I appreciate this, thank you! Since posting, she has perked up after holding her and she is now eating and playing with her toys. I will keep a close watch on her and make sure she gets the care she needs.
I appreciate this, thank you! Since posting, she has perked up after holding her and she is now eating and playing with her toys. I will keep a close watch on her and make sure she gets the care she needs.

Please keep weighing daily; that is your best ally since it will tell you straight away whether your girl is holding her weight or losing it. Be aware that the weight swings around 30g over the course 24 hours so you can only compare weights made at the same time in the feeding cycle.

We cannot tell you whether it is something serious or not but with an weekend coming up you have all the information at hand that you may need if things get worse instead of better. :tu: