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small lump on guinea rump

Jul 29, 2022
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we recently discovered a pea sized lump on my 4 year old guinea pig's rump. there have been no changes in his behaviour and he doesn't seem to be in pain or react when we touch the lump. we have googled guinea pig tumours but his doesn't look anything like the photos online. He hasn't had any hair loss or anything and the lump is the same colour as his skin. there is no sign of pus to suggest that it is cystic or infected. should we take him to the vet immediately or should we wait to see if there is any change? does anyone know whether it is likely that this is a malignant tumour? thanks in advance :)
Hello and welcome. The best way to get answers is to have your piggy seen by a vet. They will be able to tell you what kind of lump it may be and what to do next. Hopefully it’s something simple 🙂
Most likely it is a sebaceous cyst or abscess but always worth a vet check- my piggy recently has a lump.on her back and a vet check reassured us it is just a sebaceous cyst and is ok to leave alone, but previously we have had a piggy with a lump that was an abcess and needed removing. Generally better to find out from the vet while lumps are small, what they are and if they need removing, and if they might grow or burst or spread- if an operation is needed this is much easier for a pea sized lump (5 minute op, 2 stitches) than a golfball sized lump (30 minute op, 15 stitches) so best to get it checked out sooner rather than later!