slightly odd phenomenon

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 2, 2009
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Hi, i've noticed a funny thing with my piggies over the last couple of years, but never quite understood it. . . . Over the years i've kept piggies I've noticed that about 90% of the time if i go up to the hutches and find them all silent and not screaming for food, one of two things has happened. A piggy has died or some piggies have been born. So intuitive bless them. However. . I have also noticed one other time when they do this. Sunday mornings. No other day. I don't fully understand why, we do get up later i suppose but i'd have thought that'd make them even crazier for breakfast, ten minutes late for tea and i'm greeted with a chorus of chattering teeth, and woe betide me if i ever dare to venture into the shed empty handed! So why Sunday? I happened to mention this to some friends and it turns out it's not just me. My friend's dogs are uncharacteristically quiet on a Sunday morning too. Does this happen with anyone else's piggies? Could it be they are so intuitive so as to notice a tiny difference in our behaviour? Do they secretly go out and get trolleyed on a saturday night? I wonder. . . .
mine get annoyed with me on saturday and sunday as they dont get their veggies early like they do on a week day and i can hear them noisily messing around in their cage until I'm up
Do they secretly go out and get trolleyed on a saturday night? I wonder. . . .

that's the funniest thing I've heard all day!:)):)):))

my lot make noise on a Sunday morning, obviously no Christian piggies live at my place... no respect!:))

when Bertie was ill, we knew as Fin wouldn't wheek for brekkie, so I guess, they know when there's something different. Illness, birth, death or hangover!:))
now maybe it's out of respect for my hangover! A little presumptuous of them really, i'm not that predictable i hope! I can't believe it's just mine, it does make me wonder, i go up there ten ish on a sunday and they're asleep. I feed them, they're not that fussed they slowly wake up and have a nibble. Next time shall look for shaky paws and bloodshot eyes. Shall offer them the hollyoaks omnibus. If they can't raise their paws to switch over then i shall know it is truly a hangover. In the mean time, whilst none have ever expressed an interest in religion shall not rule it out and shall investigate further. I've often thought about going to church like i used to, would nice to have company. . .
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