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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 4, 2024
Reaction score
United States
I have just noticed my piggy sleeping a lot today maybe it’s because I am not normally in the room with him all day. Otherwise everything is fine with eating and weight. Just a concerned piggy parent.
All you can do is monitor weight and behaviour. One day of sleeping more wouldn’t ring any alarm bells to me unless and until it continued and was accompanied by symptoms, weight loss etc
I have just noticed my piggy sleeping a lot today maybe it’s because I am not normally in the room with him all day. Otherwise everything is fine with eating and weight. Just a concerned piggy parent.


Sleeping more on one day is too vague a symptom that it can be used to diagnose a specific health issue just on its own.

If your piggy is suddenly quieter than normal, sleeping a lot more/sitting in their favourite hidey and is more reluctant/slower to come out of their food, then please see a vet.

Keep in mind that guinea pigs are crepuscular; they are most active in the mornings and late afternoon which is their main feeding time when temperatures are at their least extreme. They tend to normally nap and browse quietly in the middle of the day, the same as during the day.
