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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 15, 2012
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I wanted to ask you guys and this may seem a silly question but how do piggys sleep? The reason why I ask is because I have never seen my 2 boy piggys sleep in the 5 weeks that I've had them. I've looked in the forum at all your piccys of your pigs in various sleeping poses but mine seem to just stand up and I've never really seen then stretched out, on their side or curled up. IBM brought their indoor hutch in and they are now in the run evtemsion n newspaper and hay. They have the rabbit cottage in their new run with a cardboard box for hiding/sleeping in but I wonder if you can reassure me how they sleep and where they seem to go to sleep.
they often sleep with their eyes open - plenty of us on here have had to poke our piggies when we first got them because we thought they had stopped breathing - as your pig gets to know you they will sleep with eyes shut and flopped out once they start to trust you and are used to their surroundings -
They'll sleep when you sleep at night, and once they feel safe they'll chill out and nap in the day too :) they aren't nocturnal like hamsters x
My two sleep quite happily sprawled out on the hay during the day, in a noisy classroom full of talkative eight year-olds and my loud voice. When I take them home for some floor time though, they sit huddled and motionless under whatever hidey hole they've chosen, with both eyes wide open.

Slightly concerned that they find a noisy classroom a safer environment than my flat...
Oh ok ... I guess I haven't had them very long so this makes sense. I can't wait to see them sleeping sprawled out though as that must be lovely to see.
I had mine for 8 weeks when I partially covered her cage with a towel which provided a good shade for her and then she totally stretched out and closed her eyes completely and just slept for about 5 minutes at a time...its crazy cute <3 don't worry I think when they feel relaxed enough they will stretch out and sleep :)
I wouldn't worry. You will probably find they are sleeping in the box either when you aren't looking or when you are asleep at night.

Guinea pigs are pray animals so they will often 'nap' with their eyes open so they see what is going on around them.
They also go in to deeper sleeps where they close their eyes but I expect they are doing this in the box and at night time when you can't see.

As they get used to you and feel more 'safe', I am sure you will see them sleeping and napping more :)
I was alarmed when I first got my two when I saw Dougal stretched out on his side with his eyes open. I never realised piggys slept like that. I always assumed they slept standing up- I don't know why. Hamish never sleeps in the open. Being a skinny, he likes it on the heat pad, inside his box house. :)
For some strange reason, mine like to sleep when I'm ironing.

I've not worked out if it's me being in sight, the sound of the steam from the iron or the sound of the tv that sends them to sleep.

They take it in turns to sprawl out in the cage but always keep one ear out for the soind of the fridge being opened lol
oh the iron! how funny! so do they take short regular catnaps or do any of yours have long sleeps in the day aswell as sleeping when we sleep?
When I first got mine I worried about this because they never seemed to rest. Eventually (it took about a month) they started to lie down and close their eyes sometimes. I think once they get relaxed they start to trust the surroundings and feel more safe, just like any human would. They still don't lie down all the time (Gilles rarely lies down fully) but I figure they do a lot of it when we go to bed - we hear nothing when we turn the lights off and when we come in the living room in the morning they still look a bit sleepy!
Well... I'm pleased to say I have seen both of them sprawled out with their eyes shut. This happened when we built an extra ledge in our cage and since then they crawl under this small space and snooze away. One of them seems to sleep through all sorts of noise while the other one sleeps a lot lighter. It's a lovely thing to see. They also sleep curled up like a hamster
My boys sleep with their eyes shut, all sprawled out. They are pretty good at sleeping when I sleep too but do take several naps during the day particularly after being fed haha.
I've noticed they eat, sleep then play and do this continuously
King David sleeps sprawled out with his eyes open, his eyes twitch and he kicks his leggies, defiantly dreaming!
Oooooh really, how strange! Funny strange! They are very cute when they are sleeping. Ours sleep and rest a lot at the moment
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