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Sleeping a lot


Forum Donator 2023/24
Jul 26, 2019
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Is it normal for one of my boys to be sleeping a lot in his older age? He’s 5 ish, he’s happily eating and drinking and pooping, but seems to be returning to the tunnel for another nap after he’s done. Sorry if silly question, though I’ve had these guys for years I’m just now starting to see their elderly behaviours I think :)
Keep a close eye and weigh him regularly for any signs of weight loss. If he is acting out of the ordinary then perhaps a vet check, they do slow down a bit as they older. Hoping he is just chilled 😎

Older guinea pigs do sleep more and more deeply but it is generally a gradual process that can vary enormously individually.

If you have any concerns, please have him thoroughly vet checked, including the heart. We can simply not tell you off the cuff whether the change is a revelant symptom or not. It is normally something seen in connection with other general signs of ageing but it is not a 'red alert' symptom that is precise enough to point directly to a certain problem.