Sleep Well Pebbles You'll Be Dearly Missed!

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oh, I'm so sorry :( she's beautiful. Sleep tight little girl.
I am so sorry for your loss :(

Pebbles was absolutely gorgeous, sleep tight little one. xx
What a pretty girl. I'm sorry that she passed away, but thankful that her passing was peaceful and easy. I hope you are OK.
Thanks everyone for your kind wishes feels weird not having Pebbles anymore. Although I am very glad she was able to pass over the bridge with her friends at home this really was the best outcome for her and I know she never suffered.

After I removed Pebbles, Fred sat on the spot and made the smallest little wheeks. Fred doesn't ever wheek like this I can only imagine it was because Pebbles had left us.

She was such a huge character but like all us she had to leave, it was a pleasure to look after her.

Fred and Wilma seem unaffected today which is good news. As I was worried about her sister but she seems fine. :-) x
Oh no :(:(
RIP Pebbles run free at the bridge, you will be so sadly missed by your lovely mummy and family but never ever forgotten :) enjoy popcorning thru the lush green meadows and nibbling on long blades of greeeen spaghetti and sweet corn silks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Another little star now twinkling in the sky :(
Huge hugs Jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm so sorry to hear this :( Popcorn free at the Bridge little Pebbles xx
This picture is the one we will always remember of Pebbles & Patrick.. Run Free little ones, run together... xx

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