Sleep tight my darling Odi

Viennese Furbabies

Forum Buddy
May 20, 2021
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria
Yesterday Odi was helped over the rainbow bridge. He was a bit over 6.5 years old and had battled with progressive dental problems for nearly two years.
It was a really hard and heartbreaking decision because giving up was never on his agenda and he tried to battle on even though he clearly was in pain during the last days. Luckily the meds in very high dose still worked.


Odi came to me and my girls after we lost Muffin. Muffin had been a gentlepig and every girl fell for him in a second.
Odi was ... well he was Odi.
No manners at all, fear aggressive, very hectic, always trying to be in charge. The girls had to teach him a lot. And during the first weeks I came pretty close to loosing a finger or two while handing out the veggies.

He had been rescued from a horrific situation and had learned to fight for his life. But after he had settled in, he became a very happy boy with the mission to make the best out of every situation.
This was one of the first pictures with Odi after he moved in. He was quite small for his age but he looked a lot bigger after he had settled in and got a rounder belly.

After the first months he became much calmer, relaxed and he always loved to hear that he was a sweet, handsome boy. He had never heard that before and being a really clever boy he seemed to understand every word.
He was also quite mischievious at times and always managed to bring a smile to my face.

He loved to live in a group of girls and sometimes tried to be peacemaker ... more often this wouldn't work out the way he planned.
Every time he came back to the group, he had to count his girls and check that everyone was still there.
He also had to check the living room whenever I opened the cage to see if there were any other boars around that he had to keep away from his girls.

He wasn't a natural cuddler but during his last months he sometimes did a piggy croissant while laying on me, just for a short time but it was a very special demonstration of his trust. The first time he did it, I hardly dared to breath.

Odi, my darling boy, my sweetheart, you will be missed in so many ways.
I still can't really believe that you're gone.
Sleep tight sweety. Mummy loves you for ever and always!
I am so sorry that you have lost your gorgeous Odi.

Thanks to your good care, he has had a much better innings than he could have ever dreamed off and has been able to enjoy his married life for much longer than in many other homes. But having to make that decision is still ever so painful and hard; be kind with yourself as you grieve.

He will always have a special place in your heart!
Such a lucky boy, to live with you & all his wives.
Enjoy meeting all your old friends at the rainbow bridge Odi. 🌈
Do sorry you had to help Odi over the Rainbow Bridge. I had the privilege of giving him a cuddle when we came to visit you last year. He was a lovely boy who loved his life with you and his wifelets. Sleep well beautiful boy.
What a lovely tribute for a special boy.
I enjoyed meeting him and his ladies when we visited.
He was a good age which is due to your love and care.
Odi was a gorgeous boy and it was your great love for him that led you to make this difficult decision.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
Sorry for your loss. That was a lovely tribute to Odi. He’s been a forum favourite of mine. Thank you for sharing his life with us. Sleep tight Odi x
I am so, so sorry you’ve lost Popcorn lost your little sweetheart Odi, he was such a beautiful boy. Take heart that you gave him a wonderful life with all his ladies. He was very loved and he will have known that x

Popcorn high sweet Odi 🌈
Hi. Sorry to hear about Odi's passing. My daughter lost hers a while ago and was very upset.
I work for a company that make pet memorials and I could make you a small keepsake for free if you wanted, as long as you are in the uk
That is a kind offer. I’ve removed the link to your website.
Hi. Sorry to hear about Odi's passing. My daughter lost hers a while ago and was very upset.
I work for a company that make pet memorials and I could make you a small keepsake for free if you wanted, as long as you are in the uk
Thank you for the kind offer 💕. But I don't live in the UK.
Luckily I have got lot's of pictures and videos of my sweet boy.
Handsome boy, popcorn high over the rainbow bridge ❤️
I'm so sorry for your loss. You wrote him a very beautiful obituary, and your love for him shines. Take care of yourself and Odis girls