sleep patterns advice please...

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
hi all, only had bumble n bee (6-8week old sows) for 3days so new to this, wondering how many hours most guinea pigs sleep and when? they've been fed twice a day approx 9-10am and 7-8pm but feel i might be disturbing their sleep in the morning, should they be sleeping at these times? and also there is always food left over, how much should i be giving them? i am giving 2 fresh bowls of guinea pig nuggets each feeding at the moment, but they seem to eat mostly hay. also what kind of fruit n veggies are best and how often should i feed them these? any info will be appreciated :D
hiya, ok firstly with food a good handful per day is enough so but i feed a bit more than a handful to each of my pigs, if you feel they are getting too much just cut back on it a little, mine love spring greens, brocolli, carrots, mangetout, babycorn, cucumber, tomatoes, celery, melon, and good old grass and dandelions from the garden.

on sleeping it generally goes on the guinea pig and how much energy they have, you wont be disturbing their sleep my two sleep through the noise of my tv, lol they get used to you and the asounds around them and they will soon learn to sleep through any noises they hear..mine tend to have power naps asleep for 20mins and then wide awake! they
Guinea Pigs should have food, water,and hay available to them at all times. Guinea Pigs usually sleep around 4 hours out of a 24 hour day. Most cavies don't sleep for more than 20 min. increments at a time. But it varies from pig to pig. My pigs usually go about an hour of in-activity where they just sit and sleep in their pigloo. The times of these in-active periods vary from day to day. They are not like humans that sleep in the night and are active in the day, and they are not like hamsters or other nocturnal creatures that sleep in the day and are active in the night. Some days they will sleep in the day and be active at night, some days visa versa. Hope that helps! ;D Good luck! O0
Thanks for the advice! we're starting 2 get more used 2 them now n starting 2 pick up on their personalities and behaviour patterns, think they're getting more used 2 us aswell now, they dont hide from us anymore unless we're tryoing 2 pick them up :) x
Your Welcome! Btw That's sounds just like mine! Have yours whistled for you yet?
Nope i dont think so! they make a lot of strange noises but dont think any have been whistles yet! theyve popcorned a couple of times tho so theyre not sad :) how long have you had yours? xx
very good sign if they are popcorning. Remember all baby animals need more sleep then adults. justlike humans. They dont have set times. just leave them be when they are getting 40 winks. make sure they have hay water dry food available at all times.
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