sleep habbits

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 23, 2011
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I'm sorry if this is a stupid thread, but i have noticed that piglet has been sleeping outside his pigloo lately. we have 3 pigs, and 3 pigloos, and usually they all sleep in one of them (sometimes share) but generally claim one as their own rolleyes for some reason piglet has been camping out in the middle of the pen. he just stretches out wherever he was last standing (usually by the food lol). is this i sign of him being comfortable with his surroundings? or because he is the dominant pig, is he being a "look out?" i dont think (or at least hope it isn't) a problem, but i just thought it was out of character. any thoughts?
Maybe he's feeling warmer and is more comfortable being stretched out in the open. Its spring here and has turned warmer but just realised where you are this may not apply to
He must be feeling confident and safe stretching out outside the safety of the pigloo (IMO).
Mine sometimes sleep outside their pigloos. As you say it's just a sign of hin being comfy.x
it's spring here too...not that you would know it! i keep the temperature of our place at human/guinea pig comfortable i guess ill assume the comfortableness of his home, which is encouraging as a slave :)
Some of mine prefer to sleep out in the open. It is usually a good sign - it means that they are perfectly happy and comfy with their home.
Mine often sleep outside their beds too - especially J, he's an ambassador for the "stop n flop" (wherever he stops, he flops down and goes to sleep regardless of where in the hutch he is). They wouldn't do it if they weren't comfy in their surroundings.
All of mine sleep outside or in the hay more often than in their houses, as others have said, I just take it that they're relaxed (and they're in my kitchen which is pretty warm)
They definitely start sleeping out in the open more as they get older/more comfortable in their home because they don't feel the need to be close to the others pigs or sheltered.

One thing I've always noticed is that it tends to be the lower ranking pigs who sleep in the open more. Maybe it's just mine but the dominant pigs in my groups have always been more cautious, and taken the prime spots under the bridges or in the pigloos etc! I'm sure your piggy is fine and is just enjoying having some space to himself with easy access to food lol! xx
Mine often sleep outside their beds too - especially J, he's an ambassador for the "stop n flop" (wherever he stops, he flops down and goes to sleep regardless of where in the hutch he is). They wouldn't do it if they weren't comfy in their surroundings.

I love the expression of stop and flop xx>>> hillarious
My piggy has a waffle blocks house but he hates it when the door piece is on it even though it's not like he's trapped in it, he won't go in it if the door piece is on so now he just has a three sided house with no front he loves it :)
My two literally just plonk themselves down wherever takes their fancy and go for a nap:

Mine will doze outside the pigloo during the day (they seem to cozy up inside at night.) Sundae tends to sleep by the food as if she's trying to guard it- occasionally I have caught her dozing with her chin propped up on the edge of the bowl! LOL!
There have been times where Oreo would actually fall asleep while eating hay or make sure there are toys around her on certain occasions. As well when shes snuggling, or laying on my bed she will dose off and go into a deep slumber for two hours (if shes in my arms, my arm goes numb because once shes found her perch, she won't move). I actually believe it is just her being comfortable, and or feels safe with her mummy or anyone that is around her.
LOL Stop N Flop. My piggy is also one of those, I love it :) The other day I found him being to lazy to stand up to get his hay. He layed down and reached as far as his little neck would allow to get to the hay. Lazy little !
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