Skittish Guinea pig


New Born Pup
Dec 20, 2016
Reaction score
We have 5 pigs who are about 8 months old, who we’ve had from about 8 weeks old. One is especially skittish and nervous despite handling everyday. She is very hard to catch and I feel awful picking her up sometimes as she desperately wants to get away. She will take food, and sit on your lap but won’t relax like the others, and will only tolerate her head and chin being stroked and jumps like she’s had an electric shock if you accidentally touch anywhere else (I know pigs hate certain areas but it’s a bit more of an extreme reaction!). On a positive note she has never bitten us, but she clearly finds being handled stressful. Is this just her character or could we do anything to help calm her? It’s funny just how different they can be, one of our other pigs comes up to me whenever I’m nearby and doesn’t have any fear at all, she’ll lie down while you stroke her! Any tips would be much appreciated 😊
This is very normal and is her character. Piggies don’t like being caught and while some will actively enjoy cuddles, some only tolerate it and others will hate every moment.

Three out of my four piggies tolerate handling, the fourth hates it. All four eat from my hand etc.
All of my piggies are only handled for essential purposes (weight, health, nails etc), and the one who doesn’t like it just has to put up with it! I don’t handle mine every day and I don’t handle them just for cuddles - they don’t like it so I don’t want to stress them out by doing it. I do sit with them every day and allow them to come to me if they want to (and even the one who hates being handled is more than happy to climb all over me).
One of my pigs is exactly the same. It took me a while to accept that it’s just the way she is since her friend who I originally got her with (when they were pups) was really really laid back and would spend hours sat with me. Once I had accepted that she didn’t like handling and I now do it the bare minimum (exactly the same as Piggies&buns) she has become so much more confident and relaxed being around me knowing that I am not going to pick her up. Also the one time per week that I do pick her up I always do it at around the same time and do the same things in the room beforehand so they know what’s coming, they then know I’m not going to pick them up if I’m not doing those things beforehand. (If that makes any sense!)

I wish you luck with your future guinea pig adventures!