Skittish behaviour

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score
I have two sows that I suspect have been tormented. They are quite happy to eat :)), but when you go to pick them up, they totally freakmallethead

How do I teach them that being handled is not a bad thing? When I do handle them I do give the a reward. But I don't want them stressed...

Thanks in advance xx
My first two boys love nose/chin/head tickles but go to pick them up...zoom :x They're lovely once I've got them on my lap but hate the stress of chasing them so just handle them for butt trims/nails etc. Am constantly touching/stroking them but that's all they'll tolerate :{ Really friendly boys, one will stand on his hind legs, give me a kiss and pull my hair but go to pick him up...:0
Others will come over to the front of the pen waiting to be picked up and cuddled - think it's all down to them individually :))
Two of my girls are skittish/lively so I know how you feel. Once they're caught they're fine its just the catching part that's stressful. But my 3 year old sherbert has been lively and skittish from the day she was born so and has never had any sort of trauma so I think a lot of it is down to personality.
I find catching them while they're in their hidey houses is a lot easier and less stressful for all involved. I give them a good tickle on their heads with one hand then scoop them up with the other hand.
my two piggies were realy skittish wen i first got them and i tried giving them fresh veggies wen i brought them out.. but it wasnt enough to stop them running away.. but i found if i brought their cage in to our living room for a while evey day and they got used to us walking around and they stoped running away wen we went over to their cage..

wen i had time i also sat by the cage with my hand in petting them while they squeeked and they got used to me putting my hand in the cage.. i found it got them used to me alot more wen i put my hand in their cage to pick them up and they hardly ever run away from me now :)
A lot of pigs will run when you try to pick them up as it is instinct to run from something that looks like a predator. They may eventually stop running (which can take up to a year!) but they might not. Just keep trying and make sure they know they're safe with you :)
Thank you everybody. Susie is calming a bit. But it's Smudgette. She just sees it as the point her eyeballs appear to be popping out.:(

I like the idea of hidey tubes. That will make it less stressful. It's distressing because both my boys are quite easy to handle x

I've got to try and clean them today rolleyes
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