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Skinny Pig with Congestive Heart Disease


New Born Pup
Jan 24, 2024
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hi all,

This is my first posting on here! On Sunday, January 14th my sweet skinny pig, Harriet, was experiencing labored breathing. Since she decided to get sick the one day our usual vet is closed, we took her to the emergency where they diagnosed her with pneumonia. We followed up with her regular exotic vet on 1/15 who wasn't buying this diagnosis considering there were no other symptoms. We did an x-ray and our little girl has an enlarged heart and fluid in her lungs. We were offered an echocardiogram for $1,000, but we declined because we know she has heart disease and $1,000 feels outside of our budget.

Our vet prescribed generic Lasix (Furosemide - a diuretic) for the rest of Harriet's life. We have a great vet that specializes in exotics. However, based on my research, most pigs with heart disease get both a diuretic AND a heart med (ace inhibitor). When I asked my vet about heart meds she seemed very insistent that Furosemide is the best drug for Harriet. I called another vet in the area that let me know they would have to review the x-rays but that they typically prescribe a heart med and diuretic for an enlarged heart. I feel very torn with what to do. Harriet is truly my soul-pig and I want to give her the best quality of life as possible, and I also really do trust my vet.

My question is - will furosemide alone be enough? She seems to have greatly improved since introducing it (better breathing and more energy). And we have a follow up with her vet on February 10th (~one month after his diagnosis).

Thanks in advance!
I'm sorry your piggie is poorly.you need to start drugs to see how your piggie responds to them.every piggie is unique,what's works for one will not work for another.medical drugs are a product of elimination.
I lost a skinny pig at the beginning of the month to heart failure.
I Hope you can come to a decision.
I would see how your piggie responds to the fruesimide.
I'm sorry your piggie is poorly.you need to start drugs to see how your piggie responds to them.every piggie is unique,what's works for one will not work for another.medical drugs are a product of elimination.
I lost a skinny pig at the beginning of the month to heart failure.
I Hope you can come to a decision.
I would see how your piggie responds to the fruesimide.
Thank you! She has been on furosemide since 1/15. She was on 1.8 mg/kg 2x a day and has since gone up to 2.5 mg/kg 2x a day. The vet said we could go all the way up to 4.5 mg/kg a day but I think 2.5 is good for her now.

I am so sorry to hear about your skinny. My vet told me that sadly skinny's are prone to heart disease. May I ask how long your skinny was around after diagnosis? Thank you.
I'm sorry to say 2 weeks.i decided to put to sleep,due to her not eating.
She was just 3 years old.
Please do not use this as a guage for the time you have with your piggie.
Please be guided by your vet.
My heart piggy Georgie had both Frusol and Vetmedin, he was an older piggy and had a further 6 months of good quality life following his diagnosis. I know that others on the forum have had piggies with heart problems that have lived for years with the right treatment. It may be worth asking your vet if Vetmedin would help your piggy.
My heart piggy Georgie had both Frusol and Vetmedin, he was an older piggy and had a further 6 months of good quality life following his diagnosis. I know that others on the forum have had piggies with heart problems that have lived for years with the right treatment. It may be worth asking your vet if Vetmedin would help your piggy.
Thank you so much!