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Skin lesions?


New Born Pup
Mar 28, 2025
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
Hi There,

We just adopted a new pig last Saturday. He finally let me fully handle him this evening and I noticed these two sores on him. I will say, I am slightly tiffed because the Humane Society marked him as having no lesions and, to me, these look pretty darn old (we would have adopted him anyway but a heads up would have been nice).

Does anyone know what these might be?

None of our other piggies have had anything like this. I am calling our exotics vet tomorrow to make an appointment, but I kind of want to make sure this isn’t an emergency. For context, he’s eating and drinking very well, they don’t seem to hurt when I touch them and he is not scratching himself at all.

Thank you!


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Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope he’s ok. Good luck at the vets.
Hi and welcome

Please have them seen. It looks like either burst sebaceous cysts or abscesses to me, too.

So glad that these poor piggies have found a caring home!
Thank you, all. Hickory has an appointment Monday morning at 10:45. In the meantime, we are watching him real closely for any pain, but he seems ok. This is our first long hair, so I’m wondering if it has something to do with his hair not being kept up. Anyway, will keep you updated!
Thank you, all. Hickory has an appointment Monday morning at 10:45. In the meantime, we are watching him real closely for any pain, but he seems ok. This is our first long hair, so I’m wondering if it has something to do with his hair not being kept up. Anyway, will keep you updated!

If it was to be an abscess or cyst it will not have anything to do with long hair

Let us know how you get on at the vet
Thank you, all. Hickory has an appointment Monday morning at 10:45. In the meantime, we are watching him real closely for any pain, but he seems ok. This is our first long hair, so I’m wondering if it has something to do with his hair not being kept up. Anyway, will keep you updated!


Neither wounds have to do with long hair, only that they have likely gone unnoticed due to lack of health checks and grooming care.

But here is our how to care guide for long-haired piggies with videos and pictures: An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting

Here is our boar care guide:
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths

These links are part of our very helpful New Owners guide collection. Nearly twenty years of collective forum experience and literally tens and tens of thousands of questions plus personal ownership reaching back as far as half a century in some of us have all gone into our guides, which contain all the practical how-to advice we cannot repeat in full in every post as well as further useful in-depth information.
You may want to bookmark this link, browse, read and re-read at need as you will pick up on different things at different levels of experience: Getting Started - Essential Information for New Owners
Welcome to the forum.
I can’t add anything other than to echo the advice to get a vet check.
We look forward to getting to know you