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Skin Issue

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Kohlie (baby pig) has a patch on her by her back thigh that is hairless and dark, but looks scabby, you ac. It doesn't seem like she's picking at it, and it doesn't bother her for me to touch it.

Now Remy's left brown ear seems to be getting scabby. When I first bought Ella and Remy as babies they had a battle with ear mites. I called my vet, who is specialized in ferrets but is great with piggies, and he gave me medicine to apply to their ears. They disappeared and were fine since. I tried to take a picture of Kohlies spot but she wouldn't let me. Since Remy seems to be having an issue too, I've come to the conclusion it might be lice or mites that Kohlie might have brought home. I'm using the meds on Remy's ear and I'm going to try the baby.

She's 3 months or so, will that be alright? I think I'll bath her before I put it on.

What's everyone think?
hm not sure about the 'dark' description, but yep it could be mites. Unlikely to be lice as they usually just cause itching and you can see them running through the fur.
This won't be the same as ear mites, as they live internally in the ear and don't move out.

I would use nothing but ivermectin on anything I suspected of being mites. Seriously, if it's mites its the only thing that works. You should be able to get ivermectin from your vet, you're in the US aren't you?

http://www.guinealynx.info/ivermectin.html more info

it says ivermectin is ok to use once the pig is above 340g
use once every 7-10 days
It sounds like a fungal infection but not sure. Hope things get better :)
yes that's true, could also be fungal. Not sure what they'd use in the US for fungal, but again may be worth looking on guinea lynx. and then taking a trip to your vet
i would suggest taking your 2 piggies to the vet to get them looked at as it might be lites or fungal or even an allergy. as your vet is very piggy savy i would definately take them there and get them treated there. i know it costs money to take to vet but by the time you buy something for mites it might end up being something else and then you would have to buy something else. good luck with the girls. sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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