Size of bonding area

Sue and Smartie

Competition Winner
Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
Recently we lost dear Kanga, leaving Fifi on her own.
I have been very fortunate and have been given two lovely older sows, sisters, they are 4. Fifi is 3. I've had them in adjacent cages for a few days and they have started to chat through the bars, so now I am thinking it might be time to try them together. I'm aiming to set up a bonding area in my bathroom (easy clean floor, and I can shut the cats out). It is not an enormous bathroom but my plan is to block anywhere that a piggy might get stuck, and make a pen so that we can still open the door without them making a run for it. I will remove all things from the floor, and put down some old towels so they aren't slipping about on the floor.
But how big should I have it? If I can set it up how I want it, it would be about a metre square - is this roomy enough?
Recently we lost dear Kanga, leaving Fifi on her own.
I have been very fortunate and have been given two lovely older sows, sisters, they are 4. Fifi is 3. I've had them in adjacent cages for a few days and they have started to chat through the bars, so now I am thinking it might be time to try them together. I'm aiming to set up a bonding area in my bathroom (easy clean floor, and I can shut the cats out). It is not an enormous bathroom but my plan is to block anywhere that a piggy might get stuck, and make a pen so that we can still open the door without them making a run for it. I will remove all things from the floor, and put down some old towels so they aren't slipping about on the floor.
But how big should I have it? If I can set it up how I want it, it would be about a metre square - is this roomy enough?

A metre square is fine.

If you are really short for space and do not have any run or space cage you can always use the bathtub or the shower for bonding 2-4 piggies in a pinch. Make sure that you cover the plug hole, though.

All the best with the bonding.
Thanks Wiebke.
I wanted to avoid using the tub as that's where Fifi has a bath, so she's not a fan of it really. I don't want to stress her out any more than I have to! But if it comes to that then I will.
Thanks Wiebke.
I wanted to avoid using the tub as that's where Fifi has a bath, so she's not a fan of it really. I don't want to stress her out any more than I have to! But if it comes to that then I will.

I am sure that with some soft hay and some fresh grass or veg to getting them started she will quickly realise that this is not a dreaded bath!
I did use the bath in the end, having thought about it overnight. They went in this morning, and I have just moved them all to the Piggy Palace.
It's going quite well, there have of course been some incidents as they work each other out, but nothing serious. Lots of tooth chattering, some yawning, and some shrieking (one of the new ladies is VERY loud) but also some face licking, eating side by side, and relaxed sitting about.
I have moved everything around in the Piggy Palace so it's not the same as when Fifi was in it before.
I think Fifi is keener on them than they are on her.

Glad that all has gone well. The shrieking is submission.
What a stunning trio. Glad it went well and FiFi has some new friends ❤️
I wouldn't have rushed it like this if Fifi hadn't been desperate for companionship. She was not happy on her own, not happy at all. She is a different pig today, much less agitated.
All quiet overnight, I never heard a peep out of them but I expect they were all as tired as I was! There was some chatter over breakfast, but it's gone quiet again now. We'll see how they get on over the next few days but so far it looks good. One of the new girls was sitting side by side with Fifi at piggy treat time last night, both tucking in to the grass and seemingly quite happy to be so close.
Glad to see that they are settling down well together!
There are still irritations between them, but they are all being reasonably good about backing off when told by one of the others. No-one has pushed things too far, so far.
I still have the oven gloves on standby, just in case!
There are still irritations between them, but they are all being reasonably good about backing off when told by one of the others. No-one has pushed things too far, so far.
I still have the oven gloves on standby, just in case!


Please stand down and take a deep breath. What you are telling us is consistent with a successful bonding and perfectly normal for the current stage.
If the bond had failed over the leadership question you would be seeing an increase of teeth chattering, stand offs and chasing with a mouthful of hair (the sow version of a fighting bite) instead as fronts harden when neither party is willing to stand down. 👍

Things are not going to blow up now that you are past the roughest bit of the post-intro group establishing phase. The first season will be likely stronger but the shared excess of emotion is actually helping to bind them together more as a group - that should be just one day on the mad side.
Otherwise the dominance should get milder with every passing day. It is now just in the occasional throwing one's weight around a little to remind the others who's boss at this stage. ;)

For what is normal during the dominance phase and a stronger sow season, please have a look at these links here:
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
When Sows Experience A Strong Season (videos)
Thanks Wiebke, I read through the sow behaviour one before I even began all of this :nod: It was really helpful and I learned a lot.
I will relax then, and try to stop worrying!
Thanks Wiebke, I read through the sow behaviour one before I even began all of this :nod: It was really helpful and I learned a lot.
I will relax then, and try to stop worrying!

Concentrate on enjoying to watch their bond growing instead of worrying about it. ;)
Awww... they look sweet together! We do our bonding sessions in the bathtub as well.
One week on and all still going well. Fifi was the one who had a strong season induced by the excitement of new friends and spent a day chasing & humping. But all quiet now.
I have weighed them all today and unsurprisingly Fifi has lost a little weight, it must have been all that unusual activity! Pippa &Penny have both gained some weight. I have bought a third snuggle sack so they can have one each for weigh ins which has made things easier all round.
One of these days I won't be in such a rush and will have time for some more photos :)