single piggie advice


New Born Pup
Oct 20, 2019
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I am writing this with great sadness as our guinea pig Caramel died suddenly leaving her mate Bailey .This happened 2 years ago when we (my son and I)got 2 guinea pigs(Bailey &Ginger) .We were so distraught when our 1st piggy Ginger died at 2 years old but we got a companion ,Caramel for Bailey and they have been great friends .However now Bailey who is 4 is on her own .I know they can’t be on their own but my son said he can’t go through getting another pig to go through this again as it is heart wrenching -he’s 10.however through tears he doesn’t want to give her up either .He wants to be able to know ( poss see her sometimes) she is ok .I know about fostering but then he could get attached to this piggie and it’s so hard going through grief and thinking what’s best for Bailey .we will always do what’s right but it is so painful thinking of losing her too..
So sorry you lost Caramel 🌈
I would give your son some time to grieve, he may feel differently in a few weeks time. You could contact local rescues in the meantime and explain that you might be interested in foresting/adopting a companion for Bailey. See how things pan out, as long as Bailey is eating for now then she’ll be fine. Weigh her every week to make sure she is eating enough and not pining too much for Bailey
Thank you so much .i will see how things go ..Bailey is eating and loved the apple we gave her today .We brought her out for some company .i will weigh her too.I just wondered if we did give her to a rescue and she was rehomed would a new owner keep us updated how she is doing ? Does anyone have experience of this ? i know a new owner doesn’t have to but if this was me i would happily send a video /pic to reassure old owner .i have emailed a rescue centre who were so lovely -they said there is waiting list for single female pigs ..I will have to see how things go for now but we know she needs a mate despite some people keeping them as singles .
Sorry for your loss.. it I heartbreaking when loosing a piggy... my girl is now alone as she is getting old and her 2 cage mates passed away last Nov &this March.. I know its not ideal but I can't take the heartbreak either after loosing 4 pigs all had horrible deaths.. so she will be my last one ... I thought about fostering but know I would fall in love so decided against it..
so sorry for your losses,it is so hard and i understand -we couldn’t give away a pig that needed a home if we fostered …
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s tough to accept they’re gone and can be heartbreaking as well.

I don’t know the likelihood of you getting updates if you surrender her to a rescue and she is paired off and adopted. It would probably be nice but isn’t really something I’ve heard being done.

Hopefully you can find a solution that works for your piggy and you.
I'm so sorry for your loss it really is heartbreaking. i’ve had this happen 3 times, and each time have bought a new cage mate for the single piggie after a couple weeks. however in the meantime i have just assured i get the single pig out each day for cuddles, often several times, ensured they have plenty of enrichment, and kept a keen eye on their eating. i wish you all the best for you and your pig 🌈
I would give your son some time to settle and see how he feels before making any decisions about what to do. He may feel differently about another guinea pig in a couple of weeks, and if your remaining pig is eating and maintaining weight she can wait a couple weeks while you make decisions. You would have to check the policy of individual rescue organizations whether they keep in touch with previous owners... my guess it that once a piggie is rehomed privacy issues come up and it would really be up to the new owner to decide if this contact is something they would be comfortable with or not. I am doubting any reputable rescue would tell you who had adopted your former piggie, but they may be willing to pass your name/info along if a new owner wants to get in touch. I do suspect, though, that if you surrender your pig for adoption it's likely that you and your son will have to live with not knowing where she went to, and that's something for him to factor in while you and him make decisions as well. Best wishes and I'm so sorry for your loss.
I just wanted to update that we took Bailey to a rescue centre today .She will hopefully be rehomed soon after a bonding at the centre and there is a waiting list .I suppose others want to continue the cycle when 1 of their piggie dies but it became too painful losing them and especially for my son .we have came to the end of the line loving and caring for our guinea pigs and it feels very final with an empty cage this evening .Thank you to all of you for your support on this fabulous forum -i really needed it in the dark times but hopefully soon i will able to remember them all without tears -Ginger and Caramel 🌈 and Bailey on her next adventure with a new cage mate ❤️x
Aw bless her, I bet she will make another pig and family very happy.

Coming to the end is so difficult. I have a lone pig as she was so old when her cagemate died (7). I didn't think for a second she would live another year and I feel guilty that she is alone. I did what I thought was right at the time but a 4 year old definitely needs a chance of a few more happy years with a friend. Your son has made a very difficult choice but he did brilliantly to put the needs of Bailey before his own.
it must be very difficult to rehome your last guinea are thinking of the guinea pigs need before your own needs.I'm very sorry for your loss.
You have given Bailey the best life with you and you have put her needs first by giving her the chance of a full life with a new friend. The pain is no less for you though. Sending a hug to you and your brave son. ❤️