Single guinea pig?


New Born Pup
Sep 9, 2024
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My 4 year old Amy passed 9 days ago leaving her sister Leela from the same litter alone. She's eating and drinking plenty, actually gained 2 grams in 8 days. She wouldn't let me pet or pick her up for the first 8 days without arguing or trying to run. Yesterday though she let me again. I am working a lot currently and won't be able get her a new companion anytime soon. Could she be okay? She's been hiding in her favorite house a lot and has no interest in the little plush toy I got her. I want do right by her but I also desperately want to keep her. Can I wait and see if she does better or should I surrender her to the shelter near me?
In the short term, it is fine to keep your girl as a solo piggy until you can find her a companion. However, in the long term she will need to be matched with another piggy as guinea pigs should not be kept alone indefinitely. here is the link to our helpful guide for looking after a bereaved guinea pig.

In the short term, it is fine to keep your girl as a solo piggy until you can find her a companion. However, in the long term she will need to be matched with another piggy as guinea pigs should not be kept alone indefinitely. here is the link to our helpful guide for looking after a bereaved guinea pig.

How long would you say short term is?
Guinea pigs, like humans, grieve differently.
Some will cope fine for a few weeks, others will need a companion much sooner.
Watch your girl carefully.
If she’s eating ok, holding her weight and not showing any signs of acute grief then you have some time to find a new companion.
If she seems to be grieving deeply then her need is more immediate.

You know her best so you can judge how she’s doing.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Generally speaking they are ok alone for around 4-6 weeks but not much longer than that.
However any piggy who goes into acute pining (loses weight through not eating, depression), luckily that is rare, needs a new friend immediately.
So sorry for your loss.
The advice @VickiA has given you is very good.

I’m sorry for your loss.
Generally speaking they are ok alone for around 4-6 weeks but not much longer than that.
However any piggy who goes into acute pining (loses weight through not eating, depression), luckily that is rare, needs a new friend immediately.
Thank you for your advice and support, anyone who has commented here. I will be surrendering her to a local rescue. My jobs very busy right now. Some days I'm stuck at work for like 14 hours. It will be much longer than 6 weeks before we slow down enough for me to adopt another and make sure they're safe together.
So sorry that you have to make that decision.
It’s a hard one but made out of love and concern for your girl’s wellbeing.
When you surrender her it will feel like another bereavement so be gentle with yourself
I'm already crying like baby over it. I have chihuahua I can cry all over. I'd have him socialize with her but he only liked the skinny pig we had years ago. She was his babu. But the ones with hair? He finds them disgusting