Single Guinea pig advice


New Born Pup
Mar 5, 2024
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Hi everyone. So I recently popped into pets at home to get something for a friend. I saw a Guinea pig. By himself. ( I questioned it obviously) he was Up for adoption.
He’s 3-4 years old, not neutered ..He had a friend who died over a year ago.. the old owners had kept him outside in a cat carrier box for about 6 months by himself before taking him to pets at home. When he got there he was in a bad condition and has had some treatments and he is back to full health. He was “on display” for about 2 months and didn’t have much interest from customers. Obviously this melted me and I had to take him home. He’s coming on really well. Eats treats from my hand. Gives me little nose bumps. And I’ve only had him for 4 days. I’m just so worried about him being alone when I’m at work. And not having a companion. At the same time I’m worried about getting him neutered. He seems fairly happy. He was described to me as “grumpy” which is Definately not the case. Hes been “popcorning” when I give him some spinach. 😫. I want some advice.. I know he shouldn’t be alone. Is it worth the risk of getting him neutered at his age and finding him a friend? Would it be worth trying him with a younger male? I’ve literally had this little angel since last Friday and I absolutely adore him and want him to have the best life. He’s in the living room with me so we spend a lot of time together. But he’s still by himself a lot. Any advice would be great. Thanks
Hi there they certainly do melt your heart we also had a single rescue male from Pets at Home I'm sure one of the more knowledgeable people on here will soon respond but from experience now and what I read on here they do generally thrive with a friend even if it's along side them, there is loads of advice about bonding and how to go about it in threads if you search on here but I'm sure someone will add a link soon. But I would say yes bond away as long as you have the room to have 2 living next to each other if it doesn't work out some rescue centres will do bonding dates too so your new guinea can choose a friend he likes. What have you named him? 💙
Hi there they certainly do melt your heart we also had a single rescue male from Pets at Home I'm sure one of the more knowledgeable people on here will soon respond but from experience now and what I read on here they do generally thrive with a friend even if it's along side them, there is loads of advice about bonding and how to go about it in threads if you search on here but I'm sure someone will add a link soon. But I would say yes bond away as long as you have the room to have 2 living next to each other if it doesn't work out some rescue centres will do bonding dates too so your new guinea can choose a friend he likes. What have you named him? 💙
Ahh thank you so much. I’ve called him Leroy! He’s so sweet. And his confidence has come on massively over the last few days. I am thinking about contacting a rescue centre and giving it a go. But Cus he’s been on his own for such a long time, It seems like my company is brilliant! But I know long term,, it’s not going to be the best for him as it’s not natural. He’s always happy to see me. But the poor thing must be lonely in the day 😫. How did you get on with your single piggy? I’m just worried about putting Leroy through surgery due to his age
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities

I've linked a thread you may find useful while you decide what to do. I'm not an expert but it will give you some info while you wait for a bonding expert to come along.
If he were mine I would try to find a rescue who do bonding, rescues are full of single boars crying out for loving homes. They don't usually advertise the singles on their websites as it's up to the piggie to chose the friend he likes. You need to make contact and explain your situation.
He's not too old to neuter if you have an experienced vet and would rather go the sow route but there's nothing as heart warming as a pair of well bonded boars.
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities

I've linked a thread you may find useful while you decide what to do. I'm not an expert but it will give you some info while you wait for a bonding expert to come along.
If he were mine I would try to find a rescue who do bonding, rescues are full of single boars crying out for loving homes. They don't usually advertise the singles on their websites as it's up to the piggie to chose the friend he likes. You need to make contact and explain your situation.
He's not too old to neuter if you have an experienced vet and would rather go the sow route but there's nothing as heart warming as a pair of well bonded boars.
Thank you so much for your advice. I know long term it’s the best for him to have a pal. Poor thing hasn't had much luck in life. I know there’s a rescue centre not far from me. I will Contact them and see what they can do. I’d love for Leroy to have a friend 😫
I own a single male guinea pig and he is quite happy by himself. We can only really get away with having one guinea pig because we are home all the time and are always around to spoil him with pats. However, in your case, I think the guinea pig will need a friend.
I don't know much on guinea pig bonding, but I think the best pair for a successful bond is a (neutered) male and a female. Since in the wild a herd of guinea pigs consists of 1 male and several females and their pups. Two males can bond but I think it is less likely.
Welcome to the forum. Thank you for rescuing him. I am slave to The Beastie Boys, Dignified Sir George and his boisterous companion Mischievous Master Boris. Another vote here for boars, mine are silly, affectionate weirdos who make me smile every day.IMG_20240103_211414.webp
I own a single male guinea pig and he is quite happy by himself. We can only really get away with having one guinea pig because we are home all the time and are always around to spoil him with pats. However, in your case, I think the guinea pig will need a friend.
I don't know much on guinea pig bonding, but I think the best pair for a successful bond is a (neutered) male and a female. Since in the wild a herd of guinea pigs consists of 1 male and several females and their pups. Two males can bond but I think it is less likely.

Human company is never enough, no matter how much you are home.
Piggy can appear to be happy if being alone is all they have ever known.

Saying two males is unlikely to bond is not true - there are multiples of us who have boar pairs and a boar pair is just as likely to bond as a male/female pair is. It all comes down to compatibility
I own a single male guinea pig and he is quite happy by himself. We can only really get away with having one guinea pig because we are home all the time and are always around to spoil him with pats. However, in your case, I think the guinea pig will need a friend.
I don't know much on guinea pig bonding, but I think the best pair for a successful bond is a (neutered) male and a female. Since in the wild a herd of guinea pigs consists of 1 male and several females and their pups. Two males can bond but I think it is less likely.
Thank you so much for your advice. I will contact a rescuer centre and give it a go. See how he gets on.
What a sweet find and lucky boy! I encourage you to find him a boy buddy, and try a baby! We recently adopted a baby to be buddies for a long-time solo elder pig we'd taken in. This elder pig was cuddly with us but fear reactive with other adult pigs. He readily accepted the baby, though! We lost this elder pig a few months after we brought baby home (not baby's fault!) and so we bonded baby to our other elder solo pig, who had lost his lifelong cagemate a few months before. Elder Pig 2 had seemed perfectly happy solo but he seems even happier now with his little buddy. And having a baby around is just too much cute.
Ahh thank you so much. I’ve called him Leroy! He’s so sweet. And his confidence has come on massively over the last few days. I am thinking about contacting a rescue centre and giving it a go. But Cus he’s been on his own for such a long time, It seems like my company is brilliant! But I know long term,, it’s not going to be the best for him as it’s not natural. He’s always happy to see me. But the poor thing must be lonely in the day 😫. How did you get on with your single piggy? I’m just worried about putting Leroy through surgery due to his age
Hi there again mine are all boys so no neutering was done, I think it can work just as well as male/female if they find the right friend. Keep up updated on Leroy 💙
Human company is never enough, no matter how much you are home.
Piggy can appear to be happy if being alone is all they have ever known.

Saying two males is unlikely to bond is not true - there are multiples of us who have boar pairs and a boar pair is just as likely to bond as a male/female pair is. It all comes down to compatibility
thank you so much. I’m going to give it a go with the rescue centre.
Id love to see a pic of Leroy 💖🐷 Poor guy has had such a tough life...untill now. Good luck finding him a friend! No advice on bonding, I have all girls. Here in the US neutering is not common. Id try for another boy if possible.
I love him. He’s so sweet
Id love to see a pic of Leroy 💖🐷 Poor guy has had such a tough life...untill now. Good luck finding him a friend! No advice on bonding, I have all girls. Here in the US neutering is not common. Id try for another boy if possible.
My boys Finn and Bear sleep together, which is just wonderful to look at. Finding Bear was the best thing I could have done for my boy Finn. When they get scared, they run towards each other and stand together. I just hope my 7 year old Finn lives to be 10 yo along side his buddy Bear.
Aaah Leroy, what a lucky boy he is that you've adopted him!
Absolutely get him a friend - they love company. A rescue near you may well take him "boat dating" so he can choose his new friend himself. Not to mention you're helping another piggy in need!
I bonded my two Rainbow Bridge boys Eric and Larry - I was lucky as they just loved each other instantly (Larry was only a baby at the time) and continued to get on so well even when Larry matured.
They were the oddest couple to look at but loved each other so much ❤️
Aaah Leroy, what a lucky boy he is that you've adopted him!
Absolutely get him a friend - they love company. A rescue near you may well take him "boat dating" so he can choose his new friend himself. Not to mention you're helping another piggy in need!
I bonded my two Rainbow Bridge boys Eric and Larry - I was lucky as they just loved each other instantly (Larry was only a baby at the time) and continued to get on so well even when Larry matured.
They were the oddest couple to look at but loved each other so much ❤️
Oh thank you so much for your reply. I don’t want to get him neutered due to his age. So will try him with another boar. He’s so happy at the moment. Because the poor thing has had a horrible life. And he is so spoiled! I’ve got him a huge cage he’s taken over the lounge 🤣. Once I get him a little friend he will literally be living his best life! Hope my bonding goes aswell as yours did! Also.. Eric and Larry 😫😍. Brilliant names!
Also.. Eric and Larry 😫😍. Brilliant names!

Ahaha thank you! Eric already had his name when I rescued him and I kept it (it really suited him!) Larry was only two days old and didn't have a name so he ended up as Lazarus aka Larry, as he was so close to losing his life yet he bounced back with some TLC ❤️
Awww so cute. I hope Leroy can adapt to a new boar. I know he would be so much more content in the long run
Oh, I'm so glad you brought him along and are thinking of getting company for him. How awful that he lived in a cat carrier cage outside for so long...... :eek: 😢
I think your best option is to try to bond him with a young male. Or indeed have him neutered and bond him to a female after 6 weeks. But I'm just a newbie myself. Should they not be able to get together, they will always have a lot to gain from living next to each other, as they will be able to communicate with each other. By the way, there are shelters where you can take your guinea pig to see which one is a match.
Hey everyone. Just wanted to update you on Leroy!

He’s settled in very well. He’s still a bit skittish about being picked up, however he’s definately getting used to it and absolutely adores lap time! His little happy noises melt me 😍. He’s full of personality (including little mood swings 🤣) he now has a 2x4 c and c cage. And a 6 square foot play pen that he spends at least 2 hours a day in running around and hiding.

I took him to the vets for a nail trim and a check over. And he’s doing great! The vet nurse said she has never seen such a content piggy 😫😍.

I asked about the neutering process. However as he’s at least 3, possibly 4. I’m not going to put him through it.

Even though he is doing great by himself… I know he would thrive so much more with a pal. I have arranged to have a play date at a Guinea pig rescue early April! So he can meet some other boars and hopefully find a friend! I can’t wait to see how happy he will be with a little friend.

Thank you everyone for all your advice it’s is greatly appreciated.