Single boars advice please

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi everyone, just a few quick questions i'd like your opinions. I've been looking on lots of rescue websites and of course on the rescues section on here and i've noticed there are quite a few boars who do not get on with other boars, i've also noticed that some of these boars can't be neutered for age reasons etc so i was wondering, if i were to rehome one of these boys and put him next door to my girls, would he be happy just to see them? would the girls be ok with him there? Or would all hell break lose? i just feel sorry for these piggies because most people want pairs and i have the space and time for one more i'd say. Any opinions would be good :) Nothings certain yet i'm just curious.
Love Emma x
Hi Emma,

This is an option for me to. I'm thinking of putting Cuzzy next to the girls as he really will not go back with Sunshine and Twinkle, I've just posted about their latest barny! I've cleaned out the utlity room and the girls are going in there for now. So I'd like to know if Cuzzy can live in a seperate cage and the girls in another. Other than that my only option is a spayed female and I know they are rare to get hold of!

I'm about to private you about the cage as well, should be able to pick up later than next week!

My boars used to live next to my sows and i never really had any problems!

My boars were very placid though, and it was actually the girlies that were the flirty ones ! they would stand on the end of the cage and wiggle!lol

But it was only at first, i think the novelty wore off quickly!lol (as it does with most of us!lol :laugh:)
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
Hi Emma,

This is an option for me to. I'm thinking of putting Cuzzy next to the girls as he really will not go back with Sunshine and Twinkle, I've just posted about their latest barny! I've cleaned out the utlity room and the girls are going in there for now. So I'd like to know if Cuzzy can live in a seperate cage and the girls in another. Other than that my only option is a spayed female and I know they are rare to get hold of!

I'm about to private you about the cage as well, should be able to pick up later than next week!


Have you thought about getting Cuzzy neutered and put him in with the girls? I personally havent wanted to risk the op with any of my boys hence I only have boys!
Hi Jade,

To be honest I don't want to risk it, but I will look up on it and get more info, something I haven't done yet. :)


Hi again, just thought i'd bump this up the list :) I know it's not important but would like your opinions :)
Love Emma x
in answer to your question yes the boar would be fine just seeing the girls should have no probs, In fact you will probly find you have a lovely happy boar. they are so more loving than any of my sows
I must admit my boars are very loving and will try and kiss me, the girls just sit there and like getting pampered. :D
So Minky, If say I had 6 boars, but had one neutered and got him a sow as his cage mate, the other bonded boars and my single boar would be happy with that? I would be concerned that the bonded ones in particular would end up falling out, so havent wanted to risk it. I sometimes think Timmy is lonely and he doesnt get on with other boars :-\ All my boys are in the same room.
Thanks for this, and the girls would be fine? Just a bit flirty lol? obviously i would only take a boy which couldn't be rehomed with another boar because they are happier with actual contact :) i will seriously consider this then x
Hi Emma,

This is great news if we can do it. It would solve a lot of my problems that I have with Cuzzy the :D

well i have one nauetered boar with 4 sows all my boars live side by side what kind of set up do you have lavendar
jnenbnb said:
Thanks for this, and the girls would be fine? Just a bit flirty lol? obviously i would only take a boy which couldn't be rehomed with another boar because they are happier with actual contact :) i will seriously consider this then x

yeah it should work in fact my neutered boar is such a softy he loves his girls if i take out one of his girls he rumble strutts up and down till i put her back !
Aw cuzzy is gorgeous though so he gets away with being a villain! It is good news for you yes, it's great if cuzzy can live next to the girls happily! You might have to rethink your C&C plan though and maybe have the girls and cuzzy on the bottom with the boys on top? I'm sure one look at a homeless creature with fur and my mum would want him lol! But i'm going to let things settle with the girls first, want to get a bit more used to this before i commit myself to caring for another life! Thanks for the advice minky!
Love Emma x
I have 2 single boars side by side in c & c and 2 bonded boars in a c & c above the single two. I am hoping to adopt 2 more bonded boars soon, they will be in a 2 story hutch with a permanent pen around it. The 2 single boars have free run of the room most of the time, I put them in their cages when the top 2 boars have their floor time. So were I to consider a sow for Timmy, they would be housed next to my other single boar but I would make their cage bigger of course.
I wouldn't be getting a neautered boar, i would be getting a boar that could not be neautered for whatever reason and did not get on with other boars, then i would put him next door to my girls so he could see and speak to them, but obviously not have contact, would this still work? x
Yep I'd put the girls and Cuzzy at the bottom now and my two bonded boys on top. Defo just read up on all there is to know about boars and arm yourself with loads of info! I bet your mum gets addicted too! :D

lavenderjade said:
I have 2 single boars side by side in c & c and 2 bonded boars in a c & c above the single two. I am hoping to adopt 2 more bonded boars soon, they will be in a 2 story hutch with a permanent pen around it. The 2 single boars have free run of the room most of the time, I put them in their cages when the top 2 boars have their floor time. So were I to consider a sow for Timmy, they would be housed next to my other single boar but I would make their cage bigger of course.

Yes personally i would put the N Boar and sow next to 2 single boars either side i wouldnt put 2 bonded boars next to them but thats only from my experience of having 2 happy boys fight when they saw the girls
jnenbnb said:
I wouldn't be getting a neautered boar, i would be getting a boar that could not be neautered for whatever reason and did not get on with other boars, then i would put him next door to my girls so he could see and speak to them, but obviously not have contact, would this still work? x

Yes thats fine he would be happy as long as he can see them just make sure everything is secure as one of my lovely girls decided to climb over the c&c grids to the boar !
Yes my mum loves the girls but she sees how attached i get to my pets so she's just concerned because one more pet means more chance of one being ill and me being upset, but i see giving a pet a good home as more important and she does too as soon as she hears their stories and sees pics :) x
Omg lol if that was going to happen it would happen to me that's just my luck haha! How did you stop her jumping over? I have a very energetic girly who i suspect could do that once she was bigger lol! Would my girls still get on well with eachother or would he cause a fall out? sorry for all the questions :) x
mmm, I think I will stick with my boars, I wouldnt want to upset the mix. Perhaps when Timmy becomes a little less mad (bless him) he will bond with a laid back boar :)
jnenbnb said:
Omg lol if that was going to happen it would happen to me that's just my luck haha! How did you stop her jumping over? I have a very energetic girly who i suspect could do that once she was bigger lol! Would my girls still get on well with eachother or would he cause a fall out? sorry for all the questions :) x

She was very persistant she somehow managed to push the igloo and climbed over it and next morning she was with my boar ! 72 days later 2 babies appeared !
lavenderjade said:
mmm, I think I will stick with my boars, I wouldnt want to upset the mix. Perhaps when Timmy becomes a little less mad (bless him) he will bond with a laid back boar :)

I think when they get past the adoloescense stage it works better but thats just my opinion some have no probs at all
lol! Clever girl! Mine aren't going to have igloos much longer i;ve ordered some of them cuddle cup things so if they tried to climb on them it wouldn't work lol! Thanks for all the advice, il do some research and see how it goes :) Love Emma x
I'm currently using a little step as igloos you know the plastic ones, well I found loads today when I was cleaning the utility room and now Sunshine and Twinkle have one, the girls have one and Cuzzy will have one tomorrow when he gets his bigger temporary cage. I've gone through so many igloos with them! I've also given the boys a ceramic pot with hay in to sit in but they haven't tried it yet they probably think I'm 98)
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