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Silly Snoopy Munched On Dracaena!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
London, UK
I let Snoopy & Cappuccino out on the floor and I whilst I had my attention trying to make a maze for them Snoopy started munching on some Dracaena (Madagascar Dragon Tree) that was on the floor! I never have plants on the floor but my friend changed my room a little because he's into Feng Shui and put all my plants on the floor. He ate about a digit size before I grabbed him and tried to figure out what to do. I stuck one of those large Recovery Plus syringes in his mouth (scolding him severely!) trying to dig it out but there was nothing in his mouth, then filled it up with water and squirted a whole load in his mouth hoping I might flush the bits out but he just swallowed it!

I'm wondering what might happen?! Should I take him to the vet? I'm not sure what can be done since they can't vomit so it would just be a waste of money I imagine.

..I've just found this website and it says Dracaena's are safe and non-toxic...phew! Can anyone confirm this? (He seemed to be enjoying it lol)
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I let Snoopy & Cappuccino out on the floor and I whilst I had my attention trying to make a maze for them Snoopy started munching on some Dracaena (Madagascar Dragon Tree) that was on the floor! I never have plants on the floor but my friend changed my room a little because he's into Feng Shui and put all my plants on the floor. He ate about a digit size before I grabbed him and tried to figure out what to do. I stuck one of those large Recovery Plus syringes in his mouth (scolding him severely!) trying to dig it out but there was nothing in his mouth, then filled it up with water and squirted a whole load in his mouth hoping I might flush the bits out but he just swallowed it!

I'm wondering what might happen?! Should I take him to the vet? I'm not sure what can be done since they can't vomit so it would just be a waste of money I imagine.

..I've just found this website and it says Dracaena's are safe and non-toxic...phew! Can anyone confirm this? (He seemed to be enjoying it lol)

I have never heard of a piggy dying in the wake of eating even more of a dracaena than yours. As it is a very common house plant, incidents like your happen unfortunately. ;)
That's good to hear! I just panicked thinking since he is so small that if it was poisonous then it would have been enough to send him over the Rainbow Bridge.
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