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Silly question


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 27, 2024
Reaction score
USA, Maryland
Hello... Here is a silly but serious question. Do guinea pigs ever farther, audibly? 😁
Not a silly question as there's no such thing.
The answer is absolutely yes, Mischievous Master Boris is a champion chuffer. It generally sounds like you are letting air out of a balloon.
Once you recognise the sounds their botties make you will notice it a lot more, especially during lap time. Dignified Sir George isn't usually so loud but likes his rear end either squished up against our hands or bodies so we feel them.
Ok... then I wasn't just "hearing things"! 😆 My older boy poofed, stopped eating and chewing, stared straight at me for a while, as if to say "Did she hear that?", then he and his bro turned tale and zoomed to their hideys like it scared them to death. It was actually hilarious. And he seems to be fine now. 😄
Ok... then I wasn't just "hearing things"! 😆 My older boy poofed, stopped eating and chewing, stared straight at me for a while, as if to say "Did she hear that?", then he and his bro turned tale and zoomed to their hideys like it scared them to death. It was actually hilarious. And he seems to be fine now. 😄

A big fart is usually a one-off and not something to worry about. :)