Silly Piggie Names.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Essex, UK.
This is my darling Suzie (RIP). I think you will all agree, she looks like a "Suzie", doesn't she? Would you believe that her previous owner had named her Monique!
As a friend once said, it sounds like a stripper! That name went straight away! Have you come across a piggie with a silly name?
Definitely looks like a Suzie. She was so beautiful! But I suppose everyone has a different opinion on what to name their pets.
My piggies ARE the ones with the silly names.


Matthew is the only normal one. :))
I hate it when ppl name thier pets ppl names like Peter or Sara, I knew someone who named there pig John which i thought was ridiculous i also know ppl who name there pigs after numbers like 1 or 2 its so sillly
I hate it when ppl name thier pets ppl names like Peter or Sara, I knew someone who named there pig John which i thought was ridiculous i also know ppl who name there pigs after numbers like 1 or 2 its so sillly
Lol and ALL of my pigs, and my hamster, have people names!
Silly names are fun. Ive had hamsters named flash, munch, whisky, dash, max, kimmy and shego (dwarfs), Smokey and bandit (also dwarfs) my current hammy is called ernold! My ratties are Rita and storm (named after theme park rides) and of course my poor piggies colossus (rip), nemesis, oblivion and Arthur! I love silly names because they aren't in my normal conversation the animals then know when I'm talking to them easier. I also try to go for distinct sounds they can recognise and understand easier (hopefully)
I had a Furbag (I was 7 at the time!), Rodney, Pip, Hazel, Houdini, Splodge, Salvador Dali, Sir Matthew Pancake II, Theo, Clementine (although her nickname is Glove because she loves to sit in your hand!), Peach, Scout and Larkin.
Haha! :) Well i suppose guinea pigs are silly animals so deserve a silly name. :D and going back to the no.s thing i must confess i nicknamed my girls Thing 1 and Thing 2! but to be fair they do remind me of those pranksters outta Dr. Suess. :)
Silly names are fun. Ive had hamsters named flash, munch, whisky, dash, max, kimmy and shego (dwarfs), Smokey and bandit (also dwarfs) my current hammy is called ernold! My ratties are Rita and storm (named after theme park rides) and of course my poor piggies colossus (rip), nemesis, oblivion and Arthur! I love silly names because they aren't in my normal conversation the animals then know when I'm talking to them easier. I also try to go for distinct sounds they can recognise and understand easier (hopefully)
I LOVE Rita! That's an EXCELLENT name ha ha! I've an Aunty called Rita!
I hate it when ppl name thier pets ppl names like Peter or Sara, I knew someone who named there pig John which i thought was ridiculous i also know ppl who name there pigs after numbers like 1 or 2 its so sillly

Lol and ALL of my pigs, and my hamster, have people names!

Our dog was called Betty, and when we moved into our house I discovered that my elderly neighbour's name was Betty, and she'd been quite startled to hear us shouting 'BETTY! Get in NOW!' at 10pm in the garden!
Haha! :) Well i suppose guinea pigs are silly animals so deserve a silly name. :D and going back to the no.s thing i must confess i nicknamed my girls Thing 1 and Thing 2! but to be fair they do remind me of those pranksters outta Dr. Suess. :)

We call our kids Thing 1 and Thing 2 ;)

I like people names for pets. though I used to ride my friend;'s horse called Roger, and that always sounded a bit weird to me!

My previous pigs now in Rainbow Bridge were Sebastian, Rufus, Moche, Azetec, Honey, Evangeline, Antonia and Caroline. And my poor darling Toffee.
I also had a pig who never got named - I took her in and she died on the way to the vets that evening - horrible experience.
My pigies names have been:
Scruffy and Splodge.
Badger and BoggBrush (they had very wirey hair).
Petunia/Queen P and Mirribelle.
June, Ethal and Winnie.
My previous pigs now in Rainbow Bridge were Sebastian, Rufus, Moche, Azetec, Honey, Evangeline, Antonia and Caroline. And my poor darling Toffee.
I also had a pig who never got named - I took her in and she died on the way to the vets that evening - horrible experience.

Such a shame about that piggy who lost her fight :(
But I have to say I love the name Evangeline for a piggy! So sweet!
My previous pigs now in Rainbow Bridge were Sebastian, Rufus, Moche, Azetec, Honey, Evangeline, Antonia and Caroline. And my poor darling Toffee.
I also had a pig who never got named - I took her in and she died on the way to the vets that evening - horrible experience.

Such a shame about that piggy who lost her fight :(
But I have to say I love the name Evangeline for a piggy! So sweet!
I used to have a budgie called Wellington we called him welly bobs A dog called Bob or wobbly Bob as we called him he had epileptic fits, two piggies called Gilbert and Sullivan that was a while back when I was young tho oh a budgie called Nigel. My daughter called him that x
My first pig was called Quack. Loved her to bits! Wish I had a photo of her but she died when I was 15. She was my best friend growing up
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