Silly Piggie Habits- Add Your Own!

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Katy Felix

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 17, 2016
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Cocoa will take a bite out of something, then drop it and it will get bedding all over it! Then, OBVIOUSLY, it's not fit for him, the KING. So he demands a new piece. Process repeats. Bites, drops, demands. Bites, drops, demands. I just brush off the bedding and give him it again! Shhh, don't tell The King Cocoa. He'll have my head off!
Mollie will always push Mabel aside to have a furtle round the veg bowl to see if there's anything special (like carrot) hiding at the bottom. If she finds a piece she will grab it, run off and hide it and then saunter back to the bowl as if she's disinterested and try to find Mabel's piece, too. When this happens Mabel legs it to wherever Mollie has hidden the treasure and eats it while Mollie is at the bowl. Mollie always looks mystified when she returns to the hiding place to find it empty. Sisterly love :lol!:
Playing tug of war with food (it automatically has to taste better if the other has it), then conceding defeat and running off to find different food, then the other twigs and the cycle starts again!

Willow doesn't care much for carrot, except when Marble has it, only then does it become tasty :))
Sarsaparilla always runs off with her cucumber to a house she eats all other food out in open but cucumber is special....
Crunchie does the same!

Except she devours it until she reaches the centre.. And screws her face up as if iv laced it with poison.

Fudge likes to eat a single pellet, take a drink.. And repeat. I put the bowl next to the water bottle to cut down on the mileage she was running up just to have some pellets!

Fudge also only sleeps in the house if it's facing the other end. If I place the houses along the back of the cage, she will re arrange it accordingly.. Every single time.

Poppet and Rowan have something against the hay tray touching the c&c grids.. And head butt it into the centre of the cage about 20 times a day.

Pigs eh?
These are all so adorable!
Sometimes, Duncan toddles into his tunnel and...popcorns? Jumps? Squeakily, then toddles out like it never happened. He also uses tunnels and his fleece forest to sneak up and rumble at poor Godfrey! I say poor Godfrey, but he has been known to jump off chairs and run to his cage, snatch food from Duncan's mouth, and jump from his loft into the extension when it's blocked off for cleaning.
Sometimes, Duncan toddles into his tunnel and...popcorns? Jumps? Squeakily, then toddles out like it never happened.
Marble does this, like her happiness is a secret that she can't help expressing but doesn't want to share. So I just see a jumping fleece tube then she comes out like "who, me? Nah, nothing to see here!" :))
@Adelle Violet will only sleep in a cosy that faces the window - and preferably on the left corner, not the right corner of the cage. She gets the right hump if I put them in the wrong place. Sounds like she and Fudge have more in common than I first thought. :lol!:
@Adelle Violet will only sleep in a cosy that faces the window - and preferably on the left corner, not the right corner of the cage. She gets the right hump if I put them in the wrong place. Sounds like she and Fudge have more in common than I first thought. :lol!:

I blame the parents!

Oh no wait, that's us...
Wow my pigs must be the most boring pigs ever well except for when I start lowering the veggie bowl in then Popcorn will come over and try to be brave and run off when it gets too close to the ground but yeah that's about it for my pigs :(
Hadley apparently likes the skin of cucumbers better than the insides. When she has several slices, she eats the skin on all of them first, then reluctantly goes back and eats the centers.
Anything new or put in a different position to how it was has to be headbutted or shifted around by the nose by Bella, until she is happy that it is either a) somewhere completely impractical (like blocking a ramp) b) upended c) moved and then sat upon and squashed out of shape.

Treacle will chew on the bars with total focus for a further minute, completely unaware that I have already put food in the cage and the other piggies have started munching on it. When she realises, she then inspects the contents of the food bowl and if not happy will return to the bar chewing at great speed, missing out on what has been given, on the possibility that something better can be requested by more bar chewing!

Luna will not eat out in the open - always the last to arrive and once she does, then its grab and run. If she had her way I would deliver her food to her at the entrance to a hidie so she wouldn't have to leave the darkness!

Ruby is the instigator of squeaks - it is always her to start the hopeful excited squeak of "is there food coming?" just because I have appeared in the utility room for some reason. This then gets the others excited, prompting mass charging down the ramps to the bars. Once worked up then Luna has the squeak to end all squeaks, loudly proclaiming its food time for all, that I am sure could be heard across the street from me!
Hadley apparently likes the skin of cucumbers better than the insides. When she has several slices, she eats the skin on all of them first, then reluctantly goes back and eats the centers.
At least the centres get eaten- they are usually discarded with disgust here!
Whenever I scoop their poop from the fleece, they just have to chew the scoop and dustpan, sit in the dustpan, pee in the dustpan, kick the scooped poop out of the dustpan etc etc lol. I love when they do it, they are obviously having a great time and it's quite cute lol.
Initially they were apprehensive of the tunnel, preferred to go round it rather than through it :))
NOW, they throw the thing around (no respect for the furniture!) and despite having a cuddle cup and sqube to chillax in, they prefer to lie across the top of the tunnel :roll:

I think Willow thinks the pink zebra print sets off her coat nicely :))

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