Silent Piggy

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Feb 24, 2012
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Does anyone else have a very quiet pig? We had Sugar on her own for a couple of weeks before Bruce arrived and she wasn't the loudest of pigs but would give a few wheeks now and then. She never makes a sound now Bruce is here :{ She is happy enough and has mad dashes around the playpen with him and midnight popping sessions but nothing else vocally. Is she just letting Bruce do the talking? He is VERY vocal, perhaps she can't get a word in edge ways?
Hmmmm, usually weeks encourage other wheeeks, but if she's happy enough which sounds extremely so I wouldn't so there anything to be concerned about. My new piggies always took a few months before they started weeeeeking really loudly-maybe its a confidence thing x
My eldest has never wheeked and he's nearly 3.
He's perfectly happy and has a cage mate but again, his cage mate is extremely vocal so maybe that;s it :))
My Fred doesn't wheek but he mutters away to himself all the time, does she talk when she walks and just not wheek?

Is she completely and utterly silent, all the time?
Not 100% silent. Sometimes she "purs" a little when having cuddles but thats really about it.
My Flower is quiet, and only very occasionally do I hear her and Toby speaking - but I don't think they've bonded that well. They don't fight or argue or anything, they just rarely talk or spend time in each other's company. However, when I pick up Flower - jeez she's a noisy wee thing. The loudest piggy I have ever had!
I know two girls where one is quite chatty and the other is almost silent ! They're sisters but complete opposites personality wise, She's still a very happy pig, i guess just like humans some piggies are more quiet than others (:
My first piggy a lot of years ago now didnt squeak at all! My next one Rusty didnt, but his friend was called Squeak (say no more!) Bertie wheeks at me when I am bringing him in from the garden, or I have had too long a cuddle and he needs a wee, but not like the ones used to squeak when I was a little girl. I think I must cater to their every need so why wheek?
My Bea used to wheek quite a bit at feeding time but now I have Jemima who is so very loud its like Bea can't be bothered because there is someone else to do it for her :)) unless I take too long of course hehe
LOL. It seems like its just a personality thing then. Bruce is sat on my daughters chest at the mo doing his funny little cuddly pur x)
My Joey also is quiet and lets Gizmo do all the wheekin :)

He does mutter to himself and wheeks when he is VERY excited eg, grass time. He also does little wheeks when he popcorns.

All pigs are different so i wouldnt worry that she isnt talking aslong as she is happy :)
Pablo and Kwazii usuallu squeak when they are waiting for their food or when they see/hear the bag of hay coming out! The rest of the time they are fairly quiet. That may change when we get the girls!
My Honey Bee hasn't made any wheeks in the 10 weeks I have had her. The only noise she has made is some motor boat rumbles. Really quiet other than that.

Penny talks A LOT back at her all day, especially when she is getting rumbled at, and wheeks to get food...
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