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Silent Guinea Pig


New Born Pup
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
So right now I have one Guinea pig (Apple) I’m not going to go into to much detail, but his friend passed away, and we couldn’t find a trusted home for him. He’s been very happy though, a few days after his friends death he didn’t climb up on the side of his cage looking for food, but after a few days he started to recover.

He’s very happy now, he runs around, we’ve moved him to an area where there’s constant people and he’s been popcorning, so he is happy. But, he hasn’t made a sound, other then the occasional teeth chatter, Apple doesn’t wheek or squeak, or any of that. When he wants food, he climbs up as high as he can, putting his paws up on the cage.

His friend was really loud, we always knew his friend made more noise, but until after his passing we didn’t realize Apple made no noise at all.

Is this okay? Is there something wrong with apple? We got a vet check up a week after his friend passed, and the vet said he was healthy. So, is it possible his vocal cords are damaged? Or maybe he just doesn’t feel like making sound. Anyway, if anyone knows what’s going on, or has an idea that would be great.
I’m sorry for the loss of your piggy

Some piggies are very loud, others not so much. Unless he has had an injury, I would not think there is any damage, he may just not be a loud piggy.
A lot of piggy communication is via scent and body language which of course is meant to communicate with other piggies not with people.
Are you looking to find him a new friend? I know there aren’t a lot of rescue centres in Canada so it’s not as easy
My Rainbow Piggy Cutey Pie Dennis hardly ever said anything. He would do the very occasional rumble and when he did speak it was a cause for celebration! The love of his life The Ever Beautiful Betsy would talk for both of them so I guess he never found the need to use his voice much. Sounds like your Apple is much the same.
I’m sorry for the loss of your piggy

Some piggies are very loud, others not so much. Unless he has had an injury, I would not think there is any damage, he may just not be a loud piggy.
A lot of piggy communication is via scent and body language which of course is meant to communicate with other piggies not with people.
Are you looking to find him a new friend? I know there aren’t a lot of rescue centres in Canada so it’s not as easy
Hi, thanks for the reply. I also think he’s maybe just a quiet piggy. On the factor of looking for a new friend, we are looking. But it’s difficult to find a single male in the age range we are looking for (and yes Canada is lacking in Piggies!) We don’t want to end up in a loop. If a pig comes along who's perfect, or a trusted friend is looking for someone like Apple we may give in. For now, he’s happy and we’re going day by day.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I also think he’s maybe just a quiet piggy. On the factor of looking for a new friend, we are looking. But it’s difficult to find a single male in the age range we are looking for (and yes Canada is lacking in Piggies!) We don’t want to end up in a loop. If a pig comes along who's perfect, or a trusted friend is looking for someone like Apple we may give in. For now, he’s happy and we’re going day by day.
I would say given the difficult in finding a piggy that perhaps you don’t restrict yourself to a particular age range. However, I do understand not wanting to continue the cycle.
Hi, neither of my piggies make much noise...one has what I call a broken wheeker where if they try to make a noise its never very loud and the other they can wheek and do on occasion but not very often normally if they want something they will come up to get it or come out the hidey they're in to get it...he may not make much noise if he has learnt to climb up to get food off you rather than shouting...as that is now his associated action to hearing a bag or the fridge...if he seems happy in himself then he should be OK...all piggies make a different amount of noise and different volumes...I am sorry for your loss though...losing a piggy is tough...
I'm sorry for the loss of your other pig. Not all of mine have been wheekers. George is very vocal but he rumbles and squeakles to his wives rather than raising his squeak for us people. Flora can be ear shattering! Louise, who is the most excitable, has found her voice more now she and Flora get on well. Louise has a husky wheek but she's practicing...

Even if you can't find a perfect match for your boy we've had bar neighbours that have been very happy together. Obvs avoid females because he'll break his teeth trying to get in at them, but even if he can't bond with another male a second cage next door would be fine company. Good luck over there x
I'm sorry for your loss :( As for Apple not being vocal, it can be perfectly normal. My Esme squeaks at veg time and Edward rumbles and squeaks but I don't hear a peep from Elizabeth and Ella. Not all piggies make a noise

It is normal for single piggies to be more silent because they have less to communicate. Like humans, you also get chatterboxes and strong silent types.

You may find this guide here helpful; it contains a chapter on the specific challenges with bereaved singles and also a chapter on how you can spot when single piggies transfer their species needs onto you: Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities

New companionship issues specific to boars: A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars

Unfortunately, good guinea pig rescues in Canada are very much far and few in between an they are not the most common pet. Which province are you in?