Junior Guinea Pig
what are the signs and behaviour of a lonely guinea pig ?
A happy one or an unhappy one?what are the signs and behaviour of a lonely guinea pig ?
A happy one or an unhappy one?
A depressed guinea will sit in its hut, not interact, often have a diminished appetite or be picky about food.
A happy guinea pig will be waiting for you to play and interact with it. If you don't have lots of time (as guinea pigs are wired to have constant company), this can end in attention seeking unpleasant behaviours, like cage gnawing at awkward hours etc.
Not having other guineas to interact with. Guineas are more confident if they're together. I think they feel safer too as they are a herd animal.
The same reason humans need each other. No man or guinea is an island.Do you think gizmo needs a friend and why ?
Yes! couldn't agree moreYou can talk to Gizmo but Gizmo can't talk to you, don't forget that. You may play with Gizmo 3 hours a day at the absolute maximum. But there are 24 hours in a day meaning he will be alone the remaining 21. In total a Guinea pig will sleep no more than 4 hours. That leaves 17 hours he will be alone a day. That's 119 hours alone a week. If you put that into perspective, that's being alone an entire six days of the week and having company only one day - and thats if you do interact with him three hours a day, if it was only one hour, he would then be alone 6 and a half days a week, with company of only 7 hours in total. Guinea pigs 100% need a friend, it shouldn't even be a consideration.